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Data Analysis Using SQL and Excel - Second Edition

By : Gordon S. S. Linoff
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Data Analysis Using SQL and Excel - Second Edition

By: Gordon S. S. Linoff

Overview of this book

Data Analysis Using SQL and Excel, 2nd Edition shows you how to leverage the two most popular tools for data query and analysis—SQL and Excel—to perform sophisticated data analysis without the need for complex and expensive data mining tools. Written by a leading expert on business data mining, this book shows you how to extract useful business information from relational databases. You'll learn the fundamental techniques before moving into the "where" and "why" of each analysis, and then learn how to design and perform these analyses using SQL and Excel. Examples include SQL and Excel code, and the appendix shows how non-standard constructs are implemented in other major databases, including Oracle and IBM DB2/UDB. The companion website includes datasets and Excel spreadsheets, and the book provides hints, warnings, and technical asides to help you every step of the way. Data Analysis Using SQL and Excel, 2nd Edition shows you how to perform a wide range of sophisticated analyses using these simple tools, sparing you the significant expense of proprietary data mining tools like SAS.
Table of Contents (18 chapters)
Free Chapter


How many customers do we expect to be active on a given date in the future? Survival-based forecasting is a powerful tool for answering this and related questions. Survival forecasting builds the answer up from individual customers. By contrast, other forecasting techniques often start with the summary numbers—an approach that makes slicing and dicing the results much harder. This section sketches out how to apply survival analysis to the problem of forecasting the number of customers on a given date.

The forecasting problem has two fundamental components: existing customers and new customers that start in the future. Remember, even new customers can stop during the forecast period, and the forecast needs take this into account.

This section focuses on the question: Based on customers who started after the left truncation date, how many customers will be around on 2006-07-01? The next chapter addresses the issue of left truncation.

July 1st is 181 days after January...