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F# for Quantitative Finance

By : Johan Astborg
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F# for Quantitative Finance

By: Johan Astborg

Overview of this book

F# is a functional programming language that allows you to write simple code for complex problems. Currently, it is most commonly used in the financial sector. Quantitative finance makes heavy use of mathematics to model various parts of finance in the real world. If you are interested in using F# for your day-to-day work or research in quantitative finance, this book is a must-have.This book will cover everything you need to know about using functional programming for quantitative finance. Using a functional programming language will enable you to concentrate more on the problem itself rather than implementation details. Tutorials and snippets are summarized into an automated trading system throughout the book.This book will introduce you to F#, using Visual Studio, and provide examples with functional programming and finance combined. The book also covers topics such as downloading, visualizing and calculating statistics from data. F# is a first class programming language for the financial domain.
Table of Contents (17 chapters)
F# for Quantitative Finance
About the Author
About the Reviewers

The whole program

The following is the code listing for the program we developed in the previous section, the Hello World program of finance. Try it out for yourself and make changes to it if you like:

/// Open the System.IO namespace
open System.IO

/// Sample stock data, from Yahoo Finance
let stockData = [

/// Split row on commas
let splitCommas (l:string) =

/// Get the row with lowest trading volume
let lowestVolume =
    |> splitCommas
    |> List.minBy (fun x -> (int x.[5]))

Understanding the program

The pipe operator makes the logic of the program very straightforward. The program takes the list stockData, splits for commas, then selects specific columns and applies a mathematical operator. Then, it selects the maximum value of these calculations and finally returns the first column of the row fulfilling the minBy criteria. You can think of it as building blocks, where each piece is a standalone function on its own. Combining many functions into powerful programs is the philosophy behind functional programming.

Extending the example program

Let's extend the preceding program to read data from a file instead. Since having it explicitly declared in the code is not that useful in the long run, as data tends to change. During this extension, we will also introduce exceptions and how they are used in .NET.

We start by writing a simple function to read all the contents from a file, where its path is passed as an argument. The argument is of type string, as you can see in the function header using the type annotation. Annotations are used either when the compiler can't figure out the type on its own, or when you as a programmer want to clarify the type used or enforce a certain type.

/// Read a file into a string array
let openFile (name : string) =
        let content = File.ReadAllLines(name)
        content |> Array.toList
        | :? System.IO.FileNotFoundException as e -> printfn "Exception! %s " e.Message; ["empty"]

The function will catch FileNotFoundException if the file is not found. There is also a new operator (:?) before the exception type. This is a type test operator, which returns true if the value matches the specified type, otherwise, returns false.

Let's change the preceding code to use the content loaded from the file instead of the pre-coded stock prices.

/// Get the row with lowest trading volume, from file
let lowestVolume =
    openFile filePath
    |> splitCommas
    |> Seq.skip 1
    |> Seq.minBy (fun x -> (int x.[5]))

There are some minor changes needed to the code to make it able to handle the input from the Comma-Separated Values (CSV) file. As with the input to the pipes, we use the result from the call to the openFile function. Then, we split for commas as before. It was necessary to have a way to skip the first line; this is easy to do in F#, and you just insert a Seq.skip n, where n is the number of elements in the sequence to skip.

printfn "Lowest volume, found in row: %A" lowestVolume

Here, we simply use printfn formatted with %A, which will just take anything and format for output (very convenient).

Let's look at one more example of this useful string formatter:

> printfn "This works for lists too: %A" [1..5];;
This works for lists too: [1; 2; 3; 4; 5]
val it : unit = ()

The entire program

Let's look at the code for the entire program, which we looked at in the previous section.

/// Open the System.IO namespace
open System.IO

let filePath = @" table.csv"

/// Split row on commas
let splitCommas (l:string) =

/// Read a file into a string array
let openFile (name : string) =
        let content = File.ReadAllLines(name)
        content |> Array.toList
        | :? System.IO.FileNotFoundException as e -> printfn "Exception! %s " e.Message; ["empty"]

/// Get the row with lowest trading volume, from file
let lowestVolume =
    openFile filePath
    |> splitCommas
    |> Seq.skip 1
    |> Seq.minBy (fun x -> (int x.[5]))

/// Use printfn with generic formatter, %A
printfn "Lowest volume, found in row: %A" lowestVolume