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Data Analysis with STATA

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Data Analysis with STATA

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Table of Contents (16 chapters)
Data Analysis with Stata
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Chapter 6. Logistic Regression in Stata

In this chapter, we will learn about logistic/binary regression. Logistic regression is a really important concept when it comes to knowing about the probability of a particular event happening, for example, whether a particular customer will default on their loan payments, whether it will rain on given day, whether a telecom customer will pay the bill on time, and so on. In order to understand logistic regression better, let's discuss linear regression with Online Linguistic Support (OLS). OLS is leveraged to determine or predict the quantity of data or the quantified value of variables. However, logistic regression is leveraged to determine whether the data values will give the result in a code format from 0 to 1. In simpler words, based on the data, logistic regression predicts whether an event will happen or not.

In this chapter, we will cover the following aspects of logistic regression:

  • The logistic regression concept

  • Logistic regression in Stata...