Creating a custom cleansing package with Cleansing Package Builder
Chapter 7, Validating and Cleansing Data (see the recipe Data Quality transforms – cleansing your data), we already used the default cleansing package PERSON_FIRM
available in Data Services for data cleansing tasks.
In this recipe, we will create a new cleansing package from scratch with the help of Information Steward and publish it so that it can be used in Data Services transforms.
Our new custom cleansing package will be used to determine the type of street used in the address field of the Address
table from the OLTP database.
Getting ready
The Information Steward Cleansing Package Builder tool requires a sample flat file with data that is used to define cleansing rules. The following steps describe how to prepare such a flat file with sample data.
As we are going to use our custom cleansing package to cleanse the OLTP.Address
table data, we will generate our sample dataset from the same table.
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