Using validation functions with the Validation transform
This recipe will demonstrate how validation functions are deployed and configured within a dataflow. As the validation function that we created in the previous recipe validates city values, we will deploy it in the DF_Extract_Address
dataflow object to perform the validation of data extracted from the Address
table located in the source OLTP database.
Getting ready
Open the job-containing dataflow, DF_Extract_Address,
already created in the Use case example – populating dimension tables recipe in Chapter 5, Workflow – Controlling Execution Order, and copy it into a new job to be able to execute it as a standalone process.
How to do it…
in the main workspace for editing.Go to Local Object Library | Transform, find the Validation transform under Platform, and drag it into the
dataflow right after the Query transform.Link the output of the Query transform to the Validation transform and double-click...