Presenting both closing price and trading volume
Sometimes, we like to view both price movement and trading volumes simultaneously. The following program accomplishes this:
>>>from pylab import plotfile, show >>>import as finance >>>ticker = 'IBM' >>>begdate =,1,1) >>>enddate = >>>x= finance.fetch_historical_yahoo(ticker, begdate, enddate) >>>plotfile(x, (0,6,5)) >>>show()
The output graph is shown as follows:
Adding mathematical formulae to our graph
In finance, we use many mathematical formulae. Occasionally, we need to add a mathematical formula to our figure. A set of formulae for a call option by using the matplotlib
module is shown in the following program:
import numpy as np import matplotlib.mathtext as mathtext import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib matplotlib.rc('image', origin='upper') parser = mathtext.MathTextParser...