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Haskell Data Analysis Cookbook

By : Nishant Shukla
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Haskell Data Analysis Cookbook

By: Nishant Shukla

Overview of this book

Table of Contents (19 chapters)
Haskell Data Analysis Cookbook
About the Author
About the Reviewers

Communicating in real time through sockets

Sockets provide a convenient way of communicating between programs in real time. Think of them as a chat client.

In this recipe, we will pass messages from one program to another and obtain responses.

How to do it…

Insert the following code in a new file called Main.hs:

  1. Create the server code:

    import Network ( listenOn, withSocketsDo, accept
                   , PortID(..), Socket )
    import System.Environment (getArgs)
    import System.IO ( hSetBuffering, hGetLine, hPutStrLn
                     , BufferMode(..), Handle )
    import Control.Concurrent (forkIO)
  2. Create a socket connection to listen on, and attach our handler, sockHandler, on it:

    main :: IO ()
    main = withSocketsDo $ do
        let port = PortNumber 9001
        sock <- listenOn port
        putStrLn $ "Listening…"
        sockHandler sock
  3. Define the handler to process each message received:

    sockHandler :: Socket -> IO ()
    sockHandler sock = do
        (h, _, _) <- accept sock
        putStrLn "Connected!"