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Haskell Data Analysis Cookbook

By : Nishant Shukla
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Haskell Data Analysis Cookbook

By: Nishant Shukla

Overview of this book

Table of Contents (19 chapters)
Haskell Data Analysis Cookbook
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Traversing a graph depth-first

Using depth-first search, one can traverse a graph to view the nodes in the desired order. Implementing a topological sort, solving mazes, and finding connected components are all examples of useful algorithms that rely on a depth-first traversal of a graph.

How to do it...

Start editing a new source file, which we will name Main.hs:

  1. Import the required packages:

    import Data.Graph
    import Data.Array ((!))
  2. Construct the graph from the adjacency list:

    graph :: (Graph, Vertex -> (Int, Int, [Int]))
    graph = graphFromEdges'  [ (1, 1, [3, 4] )
                             , (2, 2, [3, 4]) 
                             , (3, 3, [4])
                             , (4, 4, []) ]
  3. Scan the graph depth-first:

    depth g i = depth' g [] i
    depth' g2(gShape, gMapping) seen i = 
      key : concat (map goDeeper adjacent)
      where goDeeper v = if v `elem` seen 
                          then [] 
                          else depth' g (i:seen) v
             adjacent = gShape ! i
             (_, key, _) = gMapping...