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R Graph Essentials

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R Graph Essentials

Overview of this book

This book is targeted at R programmers who want to learn the graphing capabilities of R. This book will presume that you have working knowledge of R.
Table of Contents (6 chapters)

Creating attractive color schemes

You saw how to use scale_color_brewer to create various color schemes, starting with a range of blues (the default color scheme). While using this function, you must select the palette you wish to use. The scale_color_brewer() function uses syntax like this:

scale_color_brewer(..., type =  , palette = )

You can select either seq (sequential), div (diverging), or qual (qualitative). Within those options, you can then select a particular palette, where the available palettes control color schemes. Further information on scale_color_brewer() can be found at

Try all of the following lines of syntax yourself:

 P + geom_point(aes(color = factor(ETH)), size=I(4)) + scale_color_brewer(type="div") 

 P + geom_point(aes(color = factor(ETH)), size=I(4)) + scale_color_brewer(palette="Greens") 

 P + geom_point(aes(color = factor(ETH)), size=I(4)) + scale_color_brewer(type="seq", palette=3...