Using geo distance filter
When you are working with geolocations, one of the most common tasks is to filter results based on their distance from a location. This scenario covers the following common site requirements:
Finding the nearest restaurant in a 20 km distance
Finding your nearest friends in a 10 km range
The geo_distance
filter is used to achieve this goal.
Getting ready
You need a working ElasticSearch cluster and an index populated with the GeoScript chapter_05/geo/
, available in the code bundle for this book.
How to do it...
Search for documents in which the pin.location
is 200 km away from latitude 40, longitude 70, as follows:
curl -XGET '' -d '{ "query": { "filtered": { "filter": { "geo_distance": { "pin.location": { "lat": 40, "lon": 70 }, "distance": "200km", "optimize_bbox": "memory" } }, "query": { "match_all...