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ElasticSearch Cookbook

By : Alberto Paro
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ElasticSearch Cookbook

By: Alberto Paro

Overview of this book

Table of Contents (20 chapters)
ElasticSearch Cookbook Second Edition
About the Author
About the Reviewers

Managing repositories

ElasticSearch provides a built-in system to quickly snapshot and restore your data. When working with live data, it's difficult to have a backup because of the large number of concurrency problems.

An ElasticSearch snapshot allows us to create snapshots of individual indices (or aliases), or an entire cluster, in a remote repository.

Before starting to execute a snapshot, a repository must be created.

Getting ready

You need a working ElasticSearch cluster.

How to do it...

To manage a repository, we will perform the following steps:

  1. To create a repository called my_backup, the HTTP method is PUT and the curl command is:

    curl -XPUT 'http://localhost:9200/_snapshot/my_backup' -d '{
      "type": "fs",
      "settings": {
        "location": "/tmp/my_backup",
        "compress": true

    The result will be:


    If you check on your filesystem, the directory /tmp/my_backup is created.

  2. To retrieve the repository information, the HTTP method is GET and the curl command is:
