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Scala for Machine Learning

By : Patrick R. Nicolas
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Scala for Machine Learning

By: Patrick R. Nicolas

Overview of this book

Table of Contents (20 chapters)
Scala for Machine Learning
About the Author
About the Reviewers


The Akka framework extends the original Actor model in Scala by adding extraction capabilities such as support for typed Actor, message dispatching, routing, load balancing, and partitioning, as well as supervision and configurability [12:7].

The Akka framework can be downloaded from the website or through the Typesafe Activator at

Akka simplifies the implementation of the Actor model by encapsulating some of the details of Scala Actor in the and classes.

The three methods you want to override are as follows:

  • prestart: This is an optional method that is invoked to initialize all the necessary resources such as file or database connection before the Actor is executed

  • receive: This method defines the Actor's behavior and returns a partial function of the PartialFunction[Any, Unit] type

  • postStop: This is an optional method to clean up resources such as releasing memory, closing database connections,...