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MariaDb Essentials

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MariaDb Essentials

Overview of this book

This book will take you through all the nitty-gritty parts of MariaDB, right from the creation of your database all the way to using MariaDB’s advanced features. At the very beginning, we show you the basics, that is, how to install MariaDB. Then, we walk you through the databases and tables of MariaDB, and introduce SQL in MariaDB. You will learn about all the features that have been added in MariaDB but are absent in MySQL. Moving on, you’ll learn to import and export data, views, virtual columns, and dynamic columns in MariaDB. Then, you’ll get to grips with full-text searches and queries in MariaDb. You’ll also be familiarized with the CONNECT storage engine. At the end of the book, you’ll be introduced to the community of MariaDB.
Table of Contents (15 chapters)
MariaDB Essentials
About the Authors
About the Reviewers

Working with rows

In this section, we will discuss how to write data in MariaDB. Any general-purpose storage system implements four basic operations that are summarized with the acronym CRUD:

  • Create: the addition of a new item

  • Read: obtaining information about an item

  • Update: Modifying information about an existing item

  • Delete: Deletion of an existing item

The Read operation is the most complex and will be discussed in the Reading rows section, later. But first, we need to write some data into our database. So this section focuses on the Create, Update, and Delete operations. Enforcing data integrity is also a fundamental functionality of a relational DBMS, so we will also discuss it here.

Inserting rows

In Chapter 2, Databases and Tables, in the Working with tables section, we created a table called product that contains information about the products on sale in our online shop. Of course, when a table is created, it is empty. It has columns and indexes meant to store data, but it does not...