In this chapter, we discussed table partitioning with some good use cases. We covered topics like, "When do you need partitioning?", and "How does that help with your data?" Simply partitioning a large table might not help sometimes, so be careful while choosing the table to be partitioned and, most importantly, the type of partition that would really help with your data. You should also choose the column on which you might want to create a partition carefully. We also discussed ways to manage (alter/drop) the partitions once they are created. There are some alternate methods for partitioning if you do not want to go for the traditional ones. Hope it helps you to choose a better partitioning method for your data and better control over managing it. In the next chapter, we will talk about fine tuning your queries and optimizing them. We will cover query rewrites; however, you may not have to rewrite every time. So we will also discuss when to rewrite a query, and when not to.