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R Data Visualization Cookbook

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R Data Visualization Cookbook

Overview of this book

Table of Contents (17 chapters)
R Data Visualization Cookbook
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A simple line plot

Line plots are simply lines connecting all the x and y dots. They are very easy to interpret and are widely used to display an upward or downward trend in data. In this recipe, we will use the googleVis package and create an interactive R line plot. We will learn how we can emphasize on certain variables in our data. The following line plot shows fertility rate:

Getting ready

We will use the googleVis package to generate a line plot.

How to do it…

In order to construct a line chart, we will install and load the googleVis package in R. We would also import the fertility data using the read.csv() function:

frt = read.csv("fertility.csv", header = TRUE, sep =",")

The fertility data is downloaded from the OECD website. We can construct our line object using the gvisLineChart() function:

gvisLineChart(frt, xvar = "Year",                     yvar=c("Australia","Austria","Belgium","Canada","Chile","OECD34"), 
options = list( width = 1100...