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Neo4j Graph Data Modelling

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Neo4j Graph Data Modelling

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Table of Contents (16 chapters)
Neo4j Graph Data Modeling
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Queries to find journeys and bookings

With the data on bookings added in, we can now explore some interesting queries that can help us.

Finding all journeys of a user

All journeys that a user has undertaken will be all journeys that they have been a passenger on. We can use the user's e-mail to search for journeys on which the user has been a passenger.

To find all the journeys that the user has been a passenger on, we should find the journeys via the bookings, and then using the bookings, we can find the journeys, flights, and cities as shown:

neo4j-sh (?)$ MATCH (b:Booking)-[:HAS_PASSENGER]->(p:Passenger{email:"[email protected]"})
MATCH (b)-[:HAS_JOURNEY]->(j:Journey)-[:BY_FLIGHT]->(f:Flight)
WITH b._id as booking_id, j.date_of_journey as date_of_journey, COLLECT(f) as flights ORDER BY date_of_journey DESC
MATCH (source:City)-[:HAS_FLIGHT]->(f)-[:FLYING_TO]->(destination:City)
WHERE f in flights
RETURN booking_id, date_of_journey, as from, f.code as by_flight...