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Clojure for Data Science

By : Henry Garner
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Clojure for Data Science

By: Henry Garner

Overview of this book

Table of Contents (18 chapters)
Clojure for Data Science
About the Author
About the Reviewer

The Bonferroni correction

We therefore require an alternative approach while conducting multiple tests that will account for an increased probability of discovering a significant effect through repeated trials. The Bonferroni correction is a very simple adjustment that ensures we are unlikely to make Type I errors. It does this by adjusting the alpha for our tests.

The adjustment is a simple one—the Bonferroni correction simply divides our desired alpha by the number of tests we are performing. For example, if we had k site designs to test and an experimental alpha of 0.05, the Bonferroni correction is expressed as:

This is a safe way to mitigate the increased probability of making a Type I error in multiple testing. The following example is identical to ex-2-22, except the alpha value has been divided by the number of groups:

(defn ex-2-23 []
  (let [data (->> (load-data "multiple-sites.tsv")
                  (group-by :site)
                  (map-vals (partial...