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OpenCV By Example

By : Prateek Joshi, David Millán Escrivá, Vinícius G. Mendonça
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OpenCV By Example

By: Prateek Joshi, David Millán Escrivá, Vinícius G. Mendonça

Overview of this book

Open CV is a cross-platform, free-for-use library that is primarily used for real-time Computer Vision and image processing. It is considered to be one of the best open source libraries that helps developers focus on constructing complete projects on image processing, motion detection, and image segmentation. Whether you are completely new to the concept of Computer Vision or have a basic understanding of it, this book will be your guide to understanding the basic OpenCV concepts and algorithms through amazing real-world examples and projects. Starting from the installation of OpenCV on your system and understanding the basics of image processing, we swiftly move on to creating optical flow video analysis or text recognition in complex scenes, and will take you through the commonly used Computer Vision techniques to build your own Open CV projects from scratch. By the end of this book, you will be familiar with the basics of Open CV such as matrix operations, filters, and histograms, as well as more advanced concepts such as segmentation, machine learning, complex video analysis, and text recognition.
Table of Contents (18 chapters)
OpenCV By Example
About the Authors
About the Reviewers


In this chapter, we saw that scene text recognition is a far more difficult OCR situation than working with scanned texts. We studied how the text module addresses this problem with extremal region identification using the Newmann and Matas algorithm. We also saw how to use this API with the floodfill function to extract the text to an image and submit it to Tesseract OCR. Finally, we studied how the OpenCV text module integrates with Tesseract and other OCR engines, and how we can use its classes to identify what's written in the image.

This ends our journey with OpenCV. From the beginning to the end of this book, we expected you to have a glance about the Computer Vision area and have a better understanding of how several applications work. We also sought to show you that, although OpenCV is quite an impressive library, the field is already full of opportunities for improvement and research.

Thank you for reading! No matter whether you use OpenCV for creating impressive commercial...