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SQL Server 2014 with PowerShell v5 Cookbook

By : Donabel Santos
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SQL Server 2014 with PowerShell v5 Cookbook

By: Donabel Santos

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Table of Contents (21 chapters)
SQL Server 2014 with PowerShell v5 Cookbook
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Performing bulk export using the bcp command-line utility

This recipe shows how to export contents of a table to a CSV file using PowerShell and bcp.

Getting ready

Make sure you have access to the AdventureWorks2014 database. We will export the Person.Person table to a pipe (|) delimited, timestamped text file.

Create a C:\Temp\Exports folder, if you don't already have it in your system.

How to do it...

These are the steps to perform bulk export using bcp:

  1. Open PowerShell ISE as administrator.

  2. Add the following script and run:

    $server = "localhost"
    $table = "AdventureWorks2014.Person.Person"
    $curdate = Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd_hmmtt"
    $foldername = "C:\Temp\Exports\"
    #format file name
    $formatfilename = "$($table)_$($curdate).fmt"
    #export file name
    $exportfilename = "$($table)_$($curdate).csv"
    $destination_exportfilename = "$($foldername)$($exportfilename)"
    $destination_formatfilename = "$($foldername)$($formatfilename)"
    #command to generate format file
    $cmdformatfile = "bcp $table format...