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Getting Started with MariaDB

By : Daniel Bartholomew
3 (1)
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Getting Started with MariaDB

3 (1)
By: Daniel Bartholomew

Overview of this book

MariaDB is a database that has become very popular in the few short years that it has been around. It does not require a big server or expensive support contract. It is also powerful enough to be the database of choice for some of the biggest and most popular websites in the world, taking full advantage of the latest computing hardware available. From installing and configuring through basic usage and maintenance, each chapter in this revised and expanded guide leads on sequentially and logically from the one before it, introducing topics in their natural order so you learn what you need, when you need it. The book is based on the latest release of MariaDB and covers all the latest features and functions. By the end of this beginner-friendly book, not only will you have a running installation of MariaDB, but you will have practical, hands-on experience in the basics of how to install, configure, administer, use, and maintain it.
Table of Contents (16 chapters)
Getting Started with MariaDB Second Edition
About the Author
About the Reviewers
MariaDB Next Steps

Connecting to MariaDB

To start the client and connect to MariaDB, we open up a command-line or terminal window and type mysql with some options and press Enter. The basic syntax is as follows:

mysql [-u <username>] [-p] [-h <host>] [<database>]

All the options in the previous syntax example are in square brackets ([]) to show that they are all optional. The parts in angle brackets (<>) are bits that we must supply if we choose to use that option. For example, if we use the -u option, we must supply a username.

Most of the time, we will use the username (-u) and password (-p) options. We will also often specify the database that we want to connect to when the client launches. When we connect remotely to a MariaDB server on another computer, we will use the host (-h) option.


It is possible to add the password after -p on the command line, with a couple of caveats. First, there can't be a space between the -p and the password. For example if our username is tom and...