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OpenLayers 3.x Cookbook - Second Edition

By : J. Langley, Antonio Santiago
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OpenLayers 3.x Cookbook - Second Edition

By: J. Langley, Antonio Santiago

Overview of this book

OpenLayers 3 is one of the most important and complete open source JavaScript mapping libraries today. Throughout this book, you will go through recipes that expose various features of OpenLayers 3, allowing you to gain an insight into building complex GIS web applications. You will get to grips with the basics of creating a map with common functionality and quickly advance to more complicated solutions that address modern challenges. You will explore into maps, raster and vector layers, and styling in depth. This book also includes problem solving and how-to recipes for the most common and important tasks.
Table of Contents (9 chapters)

Moving around the map view

Unless you want to create a completely static map without the controls required for users to pan, zoom or rotate, you would like the user to be able to navigate and explore the map.

There can be situations when the built-in controls are not enough. Imagine a web application where the user can search for a term, such as 'Everest', and the application must find its location and pan to it. In this case, you need to navigate by code and not using a control.

This recipe shows you some programmatic ways to move around the map without using the default controls. The source code can be found in ch01/ch01-moving-around, and here's what we'll end up with:

Moving around the map view

The application contains a selection of European cities, which when changed will pan the map to the selected city. The current zoom, rotation, longitude, and latitude values are kept up-to-date with map interactions. These input fields can also be manually edited to update their respective map properties.


We've omitted the full HTML and CSS code that is necessary to create the application layout; so, if you are interested in the complete code, you can take a look at the source code available on the Packt Publishing website.

How to do it…

  1. Create an HTML file with OpenLayers dependencies. Most of the HTML will be self explanatory, but in particular, here's the HTML for the city selection menu (this will help our understanding of the JavaScript later on):
    <select id="js-city">
      <option value="12.5,41.9">Rome (Italy)</option>
      <option value="30.517,50.45">Kiev (Ukraine)</option>
      <option value="-9.183,38.7">Lisbon (Portugal)</option>
      <option value="-0.117,51.5">London (England)</option>
      <option value="14.417,50.083">Prague (Czech Rep)</option>
  2. Create a map instance, as follows:
    var map = new ol.Map({
      layers: [
        new ol.layer.Tile({
          source: new ol.source.Stamen({
            layer: 'watercolor'
      target: 'js-map',
      view: new ol.View({
        zoom: 6,
        center: ol.proj.fromLonLat([12.5, 41.9])
  3. Cache some DOM elements to reusable variables:
    var citySelect = document.getElementById('js-city');
    var zoomInput = document.getElementById('js-zoom');
    var rotateInput = document.getElementById('js-rotate');
    var lonInput = document.getElementById('js-lon');
    var latInput = document.getElementById('js-lat');
  4. Add some event listeners to the map view along with an event handler function:
    var updateUI = function(event) {
      var view = event && event.currentTarget || map.getView();
      zoomInput.value = view.getZoom();
      rotateInput.value = view.getRotation();
      var centerLonLat = ol.proj.toLonLat(view.getCenter());
      lonInput.value = centerLonLat[0].toFixed(3);
      latInput.value = centerLonLat[1].toFixed(3);
    ], updateUI);
  5. Create a helper function to set the new map view center:
    var setCenter = function(lon, lat) {
        parseFloat(lon), parseFloat(lat)
  6. Create an event listener and handler for input field updates:
    window.addEventListener('keyup', function(event) {
      switch( {
        case 'js-zoom':
            resolution: map.getView().getResolution(),
            duration: 150
          map.getView().setZoom(parseInt(, 10));
        case 'js-rotate':
            rotation: map.getView().getRotation(),
            duration: 250
        case 'js-lon':
          setCenter(, latInput.value);
        case 'js-lat':
  7. Create the event listener and handler for city selections:
    citySelect.addEventListener('change', function() {
        source: map.getView().getCenter(),
        duration: 500
      setCenter.apply(null, this.value.split(','));

How it works…

There's a fair bit going on here, as we've introduced manual control over a range of map navigation methods. We've also hooked into map events, animations and projection conversions. It's time to take a closer look at what's going on:

new ol.layer.Tile({
  source: new ol.source.Stamen({
    layer: 'watercolor'

The tile service for this recipe is from the Stamen source with the watercolor layer style. This is another source that OpenLayers has built-in support for and is made easy to include.

view: new ol.View({
  zoom: 6,
  center: ol.proj.fromLonLat([12.5, 41.9])

For this recipe, we are using longitude and latitude values to navigate around the map. However, the default projection for the map view is EPSG:3857 (Spherical Mercator) and longitude and latitude is in the EPSG:4326 projection. We need a way to convert these longitude and latitude coordinates.

Luckily for us, ol.proj has many helpful methods, one of which is to convert coordinates from longitude and latitude to EPSG:3857, which we've just used. You can also pass a target projection as the second parameter to fromLonLat, but the default target projection is EPSG:3857 anyway, so we don't need to bother.

var citySelect = document.getElementById('js-city');
var zoomInput = document.getElementById('js-zoom');
var rotateInput = document.getElementById('js-rotate');
var lonInput = document.getElementById('js-lon');
var latInput = document.getElementById('js-lat');

The DOM elements that the user interacts with have been cached into variables for efficiency. We refer to these elements in order to retrieve and update values.

var updateUI = function(event) {
  var view = event && event.currentTarget || map.getView();
  zoomInput.value = view.getZoom();
  rotateInput.value = view.getRotation();

  var centerLonLat = ol.proj.toLonLat(view.getCenter());
  lonInput.value = centerLonLat[0].toFixed(3);
  latInput.value = centerLonLat[1].toFixed(3);

A function called updateUI has been created in order to synchronize the input fields with the current map state. This function will either be called upon page initialization or as an event handler. To account for both these scenarios, the map view will derive from either the event argument if it is available (event.currentTarget will be the map view in this case), or we grab it ourselves (map.getView()). Of course, we could have used map.getView in both scenarios, but it's good to familiarize ourselves with some of the available map event properties.

Updating the zoom and rotation values are easy with simple get methods offered from the view (getZoom and getRotation).

The center positions need a little more work. Remember that the map view projection is in EPSG:3857, but we want to display the coordinates in longitude and latitude. We do the opposite of what we did before when setting up the view using the ol.proj.toLonLat method to convert the coordinates from Spherical Mercator to EPSG:4326. This method accepts a second parameter to identify the source projection. The default source projection is EPSG:3857, which matches our map view projection anyway, so we can skip specifying this.

The result returns an array, which we store in centerLonLat. We then retrieve the respective values for display in the input field and constrain the decimal points to 3.

], updateUI);

The ol.View class has an on method which enables us to subscribe to particular events from the view and specify an event handler. We attach three event listeners to view: center, resolution, and rotation. The resolution event listener is for changes in the zoom level. When any of these view properties change, our updateUI event handler is called.

var setCenter = function(lon, lat) {
    parseFloat(lon), parseFloat(lat)

Within this recipe, we need to set a new center position from a range of different places in the code. To make this a bit easier for ourselves, we've created a setCenter function, which takes the lon and lat values. It converts the provided longitude and latitude coordinates into map projection coordinates and sets the new center position.

As the longitude and latitude values will come from input elements as strings, we pass the values into the parseFloat JavaScript method in order to ensure they're in the expected type format for OpenLayers.

window.addEventListener('keyup', function(event) {
  switch( {

We attach a global keyup event listener to the window object rather than adding individual event listeners per input field. When this event handler is called, we determine what actions are performed by inspecting the target element ID attribute through a switch statement.

For example, if the zoom input field value is modified, then the target ID will be js-zoom because the HTML markup is <input type="number" id="js-zoom">:

case 'js-zoom':
    resolution: map.getView().getResolution(),
    duration: 150
  map.getView().setZoom(parseInt(, 10));

The first switch case is for the zoom input field. Instead of simply setting the new zoom level on the map view, we'd prefer to animate the transition between zoom levels. To do this, we add functions to be called before rendering the zoom change via the ol.Map.beforeRender method. It expects one or more functions of type ol.PreRenderFunction, ol.animation.zoom method returns this particular function type, which animates the resolution transition.

The resolution property of ol.animation.zoom provides the starting point of the animation, which is the current resolution. The duration property is given in milliseconds, so this will be a quick and snappy animation.

After we've attached the prerender function, we take the user input value and set the final zoom level (setZoom) via the parseInt JavaScript method, which ensures that the input field string is converted to the expected number type for OpenLayers.

case 'js-rotate':
    rotation: map.getView().getRotation(),
    duration: 250

This switch case catches the rotation input field. Similar to the previous zoom control, we want to animate the transition again. To do this, we create a prerender function with ol.animate.rotate. We pass in the current rotation of the view and also a custom duration of 250 milliseconds. After this, we set the new rotation amount from the input field value with the setRotation map view method. Again, we ensure the input string is converted to a float value for OpenLayers via the parseFloat method.

case 'js-lon':
  setCenter(, latInput.value);

case 'js-lat':

These switch cases match the longitude and latitude input field changes. Along with the longitude and latitude changes, we've decided to snap to the new center position rather than animate it. We call our own setCenter method that was discussed earlier with the longitude and latitude values to use. As the longitude and latitude values are paired, the one that wasn't changed is grabbed from the respective input field.

citySelect.addEventListener('change', function() {
    source: map.getView().getCenter(),
    duration: 500
  setCenter.apply(null, this.value.split(','));

Finally, we attach a change event to the city selection menu. We've decided to animate the panning from the old center position to the new one. Just like the zoom and rotation transitions, we use the pan-specific ol.animation.pan method. We provide the source property with the starting position and set a duration of half a second.

Once the prerender function is in place, we can set the new center position. Once again, we call our custom setCenter function to do this for us.

The HTML for a specific option in the city selection menu contains the longitude and latitude values as a string. For example, if we want to pan to London, the value inside the option is a comma delimited string: <option value="-0.117,51.5">London (England)</option>. We convert this string ("-0.117,51.5") into an array with the JavaScript split method to provide a distinct separation of the values. However, our setCenter function expects two parameters, not an array of values. To get around this, we use the JavaScript apply method, which calls setCenter with an array of arguments, producing the same result.

This completes a thorough look at how to navigate around the map without the default controls, offering a great deal of flexibility.

See also

  • The Managing the map's stack layers recipe
  • The Restricting the map's extent recipe