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Mastering Java Machine Learning

By : Uday Kamath, Krishna Choppella
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Mastering Java Machine Learning

By: Uday Kamath, Krishna Choppella

Overview of this book

Java is one of the main languages used by practicing data scientists; much of the Hadoop ecosystem is Java-based, and it is certainly the language that most production systems in Data Science are written in. If you know Java, Mastering Machine Learning with Java is your next step on the path to becoming an advanced practitioner in Data Science. This book aims to introduce you to an array of advanced techniques in machine learning, including classification, clustering, anomaly detection, stream learning, active learning, semi-supervised learning, probabilistic graph modeling, text mining, deep learning, and big data batch and stream machine learning. Accompanying each chapter are illustrative examples and real-world case studies that show how to apply the newly learned techniques using sound methodologies and the best Java-based tools available today. On completing this book, you will have an understanding of the tools and techniques for building powerful machine learning models to solve data science problems in just about any domain.
Table of Contents (20 chapters)
Mastering Java Machine Learning
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Linear Algebra

Bayes' theorem

The probability of an event E conditioned on evidence X is proportional to the prior probability of the event and the likelihood of the evidence given that the event has occurred. This is Bayes' Theorem:

P(X) is the normalizing constant, which is also called the marginal probability of X. P(E) is the prior, and P(X|E) is the likelihood. P(E|X) is also called the posterior probability.

Bayes' Theorem expressed in terms of the posterior and prior odds is known as Bayes' Rule.

Density estimation

Estimating the hidden probability density function of a random variable from sample data randomly drawn from the population is known as density estimation. Gaussian mixtures and kernel density estimates are examples used in feature engineering, data modeling, and clustering.

Given a probability density function f(X) for a random variable X, the probabilities associated with the values of X can be found as follows:

Density estimation can be parametric, where it is assumed that the data is drawn from a known family of distributions and f(x) is estimated by estimating the parameters of the distribution, for example, µ and σ2 in the case of a normal distribution. The other approach is non-parametric, where no assumption is made about the distribution of the observed data and the data is allowed to determine the form of the distribution.


The long-run average value of a random variable is known as the expectation or mean. The sample mean is the corresponding average over the observed data.

In the case of a discrete random variable, the mean is given by:

For example, the mean number of pips turning up on rolling a single fair die is 3.5.

For a continuous random variable with probability density function f(x), the mean is:


Variance is the expectation of the square of the difference between the random variable and its mean.

In the discrete case, with the mean defined as previously discussed, and with the probability mass function p(x), the variance is:

In the continuous case, it is as follows:

Some continuous distributions do not have a mean or variance.

Standard deviation

Standard deviation is a measure of how spread out the data is in relation to its mean value. It is the square root of variance, and unlike variance, it is expressed in the same units as the data. The standard deviation in the case of discrete and continuous random variables are given here:,

  • Discrete case:

  • Continuous case:

Gaussian standard deviation

The standard deviation of a sample drawn randomly from a larger population is a biased estimate of the population standard deviation. Based on the particular distribution, the correction to this biased estimate can differ. For a Gaussian or normal distribution, the variance is adjusted by a value of .

Per the definition given earlier, the biased estimate s is given by:

In the preceding equation, is the sample mean.

The unbiased estimate, which uses Bessel's correction, is:


In a joint distribution of two random variables, the expectation of the product of the deviations of the random variables from their respective means is called the covariance. Thus, for two random variables X and Y, the equation is as follows:

= E[XY] – μx μy

If the two random variables are independent, then their covariance is zero.

Correlation coefficient

When the covariance is normalized by the product of the standard deviations of the two random variables, we get the correlation coefficient ρX,Y, also known as the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient:

The correlation coefficient can take values between -1 and 1 only. A coefficient of +1 means a perfect increasing linear relationship between the random variables. -1 means a perfect decreasing linear relationship. If the two variables are independent of each other, the Pearson's coefficient is 0.

Binomial distribution

Discrete probability distribution with parameters n and p. A random variable is a binary variable, with the probability of outcome given by p and 1 – p in a single trial. The probability mass function gives the probability of k successes out of n independent trials.

Parameters: n, k



This is the Binomial coefficient.

Mean: E[X] = np

Variance: Var(X) = np(1 – p)

Poisson distribution

The Poisson distribution gives the probability of the number of occurrences of an event in a given time period or in a given region of space.

Parameter λ, is the average number of occurrences in a given interval. The probability mass function of observing k events in that interval is


Mean: E[X] = λ

Variance: Var(X) = λ

Gaussian distribution

The Gaussian distribution, also known as the normal distribution, is a continuous probability distribution. Its probability density function is expressed in terms of the mean and variance as follows:

Mean: µ

Standard deviation: σ

Variance: σ2

The standard normal distribution is the case when the mean is 0 and the standard deviation is 1. The PDF of the standard normal distribution is given as follows:

Central limit theorem

The central limit theorem says that when you have several independent and identically distributed random variables with a distribution that has a well-defined mean and variance, the average value (or sum) over a large number of these observations is approximately normally distributed, irrespective of the parent distribution. Furthermore, the limiting normal distribution has the same mean as the parent distribution and a variance equal to the underlying variance divided by the sample size.

Given a random sample X1, X2, X3 … Xn with µ = E[Xi] and σ2 = Var(Xi), the sample mean:

is approximately normal

There are several variants of the central limit theorem where independence or the constraint of being identically distributed are relaxed, yet convergence to the normal distribution still follows.

Error propagation

Suppose there is a random variable X, which is a function of multiple observations each with their own distributions. What can be said about the mean and variance of X given the corresponding values for measured quantities that make up X? This is the problem of error propagation.

Say x is the quantity to be determined via observations of variables u, v, and so on:

x = f(u, v, )

Let us assume that:

The uncertainty in x in terms of the variances of u, v, and so on, can be expressed by the variance of x:

From the Taylor expansion of the variance of x, we get the following:

Here, is the covariance.

Similarly, we can determine the propagation error of the mean. Given N measurements with xi with uncertainties characterized by si, the following can be written:


These equations assume that the covariance is 0.

Suppose si = s – that is, all observations have the same error.

Then, .


Therefore, .