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Mastering Scala Machine Learning

By : Alex Kozlov
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Mastering Scala Machine Learning

By: Alex Kozlov

Overview of this book

Since the advent of object-oriented programming, new technologies related to Big Data are constantly popping up on the market. One such technology is Scala, which is considered to be a successor to Java in the area of Big Data by many, like Java was to C/C++ in the area of distributed programing. This book aims to take your knowledge to next level and help you impart that knowledge to build advanced applications such as social media mining, intelligent news portals, and more. After a quick refresher on functional programming concepts using REPL, you will see some practical examples of setting up the development environment and tinkering with data. We will then explore working with Spark and MLlib using k-means and decision trees. Most of the data that we produce today is unstructured and raw, and you will learn to tackle this type of data with advanced topics such as regression, classification, integration, and working with graph algorithms. Finally, you will discover at how to use Scala to perform complex concept analysis, to monitor model performance, and to build a model repository. By the end of this book, you will have gained expertise in performing Scala machine learning and will be able to build complex machine learning projects using Scala.
Table of Contents (17 chapters)
Mastering Scala Machine Learning
About the Author
Advanced Model Monitoring

Records and supervised learning

For the purpose of this chapter, a record is an observation or measurement of one or several attributes. We assume that the observations might contain noise (or be inaccurate for one or other reason):

While we believe that there is some pattern or correlation between the attributes, the one that we are after and want to uncover, the noise is uncorrelated across either the attributes or the records. In statistical terms, we say that the values for each record are drawn from the same distribution and are independent (or i.i.d. in statistical terms). The order of records does not matter. One of the attributes, usually the first, might be designated to be the label.

Supervised learning is when the goal is to predict the label yi:

Here, N is the number of remaining attributes. In other words, the goal is to generalize the patterns so that we can predict the label by just knowing the other attributes, whether because we cannot physically get the measurement or just...