Chapter 8. Applications of Resampling Methods and Monte Carlo Tests
The general idea of resampling methods is explained in the previous chapter where also a variety of simple examples has been shown. In this chapter we look at more complex applications of the most successful resampling method - the bootstrap. The examples will show that the bootstrap can be used for different kinds of complex problems, but will also show that conceptual adaptations of the bootstrap are needed. In other words, we will see that the bootstrap has to be modified.
First, we see the bootstrap applied to regression analysis, then we see the bootstrap in the context of imputation of missing values, followed by an application in times series analysis and to applications in complex survey designs.
Afterwards, we focus on resampling tests. We will see that each statistical test can be formulated as a Monte Carlo resampling test, with the (great) advantage that distribution of the test statistics must not be fixed as...