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Mathematica Data Analysis

By : Sergiy Suchok
Book Image

Mathematica Data Analysis

By: Sergiy Suchok

Overview of this book

There are many algorithms for data analysis and it’s not always possible to quickly choose the best one for each case. Implementation of the algorithms takes a lot of time. With the help of Mathematica, you can quickly get a result from the use of a particular method, because this system contains almost all the known algorithms for data analysis. If you are not a programmer but you need to analyze data, this book will show you the capabilities of Mathematica when just few strings of intelligible code help to solve huge tasks from statistical issues to pattern recognition. If you're a programmer, with the help of this book, you will learn how to use the library of algorithms implemented in Mathematica in your programs, as well as how to write algorithm testing procedure. With each chapter, you'll be more immersed in the special world of Mathematica. Along with intuitive queries for data processing, we will highlight the nuances and features of this system, allowing you to build effective analysis systems. With the help of this book, you will learn how to optimize the computations by combining your libraries with the Mathematica kernel.
Table of Contents (15 chapters)
Mathematica Data Analysis
About the Author
About the Reviewer

Wolfram Symbolic Transfer Protocol

To make an external program's and the Mathematica kernel's instructions understandable to each other, we need a common protocol—and WSTP is such a protocol.

This protocol is used to include certain source code in the body of an external program, and then its internal functions and data structures are available in Mathematica.

In order to run an external program, you should use the Install function, where a path to the running program is used as a parameter. The Uninstall function is used in order to end a session with a remote program. For example, let's call one of the demo programs that come with the Mathematica system— the bitops and bitAnd functions, which return the conjunction of two integers:

In this example, we have used useful functions such as SetDirectory and ResetDirectory that allow us to set the folder to search for programs. Note the $InstallationDirectory variable—the folder in which Mathematica is installed, and the $SystemID variable—the...