Installing Saddle
The website for Saddle is as follows:
Before beginning to delve into the functionality provided by the library, we want to make the Saddle library available to your project. As in previous instances, we will use SBT to handle dependencies and build our project. Start a new directory for this chapter (call it saddle
or something more creative if you like). You will need to create a new build.sbt
file and put the following directives in it:
resolvers ++= Seq( "Sonatype Snapshots" at "", "Sonatype Releases" at "" ) libraryDependencies ++= Seq( "org.scala-saddle" %% "saddle-core" % "1.3.+" ) scalaVersion := "2.11.6"
Alternatively, you can set different versions for Saddle and Scala by modifying the version numbers in this file. After you create the file, you can go into the REPL with the Saddle library available for import by running the...