7.3. A Publish/Subscribe data model
Our Pub/Sub data model relies on the fact that published items are mainly text oriented. Hence, subscriptions are long lasting (continuous) queries under the form of keyword-based subscriptions. Whenever a news item is published, it gets evaluated against the set of subscriptions submitted to the system and, for every matching subscription, the corresponding subscriber is notified.
7.3.1. Data model
The set of stored subscriptions is denoted by S and their total number by |S|. Each subscription s ∈ S includes a set of distinct terms from a vocabulary VS = {t1, …, tn} . I = [I1, …Im] denotes the feed of incoming items. Items I ∈ I are also formed by a set of terms (I ⊆ VI, with VI the vocabulary of items). In this context, a match occurs if and only if all of the terms of a subscription s are also present in a news item I (i.e. broad match semantics).
Table 7.1. Example of keyword based subscriptions
Subscription... |