Optimizing query performance
The way recommended by RethinkDB to get great performance from the database is to use sharding, replication, and proxy nodes, which we've already learned in previous sections. However, poorly written queries can still affect your system even if you are using these techniques.
In order to refactor and find out those queries, RethinkDB provides a tool called database profiler that shows various performance parameters of queries executed on the database. You can enable this tool from the web admin console, under the Data Explorer section.
Once you run the query, it provides you with the following information:
Round trip time: Total time taken from firing the query till the return of the result
Server time: Total time taken by the database to execute the query
Shared access: How many shards were used to form the result
Here is a screenshot of the query I ran to fetch all employees from the company table:
As you can see, Query profile provides us important information...