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D3.js 4.x Data Visualization - Third Edition

By : Aendrew Rininsland, Swizec Teller
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D3.js 4.x Data Visualization - Third Edition

By: Aendrew Rininsland, Swizec Teller

Overview of this book

Want to get started with impressive interactive visualizations and implement them in your daily tasks? This book offers the perfect solution-D3.js. It has emerged as the most popular tool for data visualization. This book will teach you how to implement the features of the latest version of D3 while writing JavaScript using the newest tools and technique You will start by setting up the D3 environment and making your first basic bar chart. You will then build stunning SVG and Canvas-based data visualizations while writing testable, extensible code,as accurate and informative as it is visually stimulating. Step-by-step examples walk you through creating, integrating, and debugging different types of visualization and will have you building basic visualizations (such as bar, line, and scatter graphs) in no time. By the end of this book, you will have mastered the techniques necessary to successfully visualize data and will be ready to use D3 to transform any data into an engaging and sophisticated visualization.
Table of Contents (18 chapters)
Title Page
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Shape Primitives of D3

Behavior-driven development with Mocha and Chai

All of these will get you pretty far toward, with more confidence in your visualizations, but another step you can take to be even more of a rockstar is to add automated testing to your projects.

There are many reasons to write automated tests: if you have a product that has to reliably render charts, and the chart is rendering merely a part of a much larger application, you likely want to use automated testing to ensure that changes to the application don't break your charts. Likewise, if you've created an open source project that receives a lot of pull requests from various people who use your library, you might want tests to ensure that none of this outside code causes regressive bugs. Beyond that, automated tests are great if you want to be able to show your editor proof that your chart is working and accurate, or if you merely want to have more confidence in your data visualization work.

There are fundamentally two ways you can approach...