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R Deep Learning Cookbook

By : PKS Prakash, Achyutuni Sri Krishna Rao
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R Deep Learning Cookbook

By: PKS Prakash, Achyutuni Sri Krishna Rao

Overview of this book

Deep Learning is the next big thing. It is a part of machine learning. It's favorable results in applications with huge and complex data is remarkable. Simultaneously, R programming language is very popular amongst the data miners and statisticians. This book will help you to get through the problems that you face during the execution of different tasks and Understand hacks in deep learning, neural networks, and advanced machine learning techniques. It will also take you through complex deep learning algorithms and various deep learning packages and libraries in R. It will be starting with different packages in Deep Learning to neural networks and structures. You will also encounter the applications in text mining and processing along with a comparison between CPU and GPU performance. By the end of the book, you will have a logical understanding of Deep learning and different deep learning packages to have the most appropriate solutions for your problems.
Table of Contents (17 chapters)
Title Page
About the Authors
About the Reviewer
Customer Feedback

Installing a Jupyter Notebook application

Another famous editor these days is the Jupyter Notebook app. This app produces notebook documents that integrate documentation, code, and analysis together. It supports many computational kernels including R. It is a server, client-side, web-based application that can be accessed using a browser.

How to do it...

Jupyter Notebook can be installed using the following steps:

  1. Jupyter Notebook can be installed using pip:
pip3 install --upgrade pip
pip3 install jupyter
  1. If you have installed Anaconda, then the default computational kernel installed is Python. To install an R computation kernel in Jupyter within the same environment, type the following command in a terminal:
conda install -c r r-essentials
  1. To install the R computational kernel in a new environment named new-env within conda, type as follows:
conda create -n new-env -c r r-essentials
  1. Another way to include the R computational kernel in Jupyter Notebook uses the IRkernel package. To install through this process, start the R IDE. The first step is to install dependencies required for the IRkernal installation:
chooseCRANmirror(ind=55) # choose mirror for installation
install.packages(c('repr', 'IRdisplay', 'crayon', 'pbdZMQ',
'devtools'), dependencies=TRUE)
  1. Once all the dependencies are installed from CRAN, install the IRkernal package from GitHub:
  1. Once all the requirements are satisfied, the R computation kernel can be set up in Jupyter Notebook using the following script:
IRkernel::installspec(name = 'ir32', displayname = 'R 3.2')
  1. Jupyter Notebook can be started by opening a shell/terminal. Run the following command to start the Jupyter Notebook interface in the browser, as shown in the screenshot following this code:
jupyter notebook

Jupyter Notebook with the R computation engine

There's more...

R, as with most of the packages utilized in this book, is supported by most operating systems. However, you can make use of Docker or VirtualBox to set up a working environment similar to the one used in this book.

For Docker installation and setup information, refer to and select the Docker image appropriate to your operating system. Similarly, VirtualBox binaries can be downloaded and installed at