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Java Data Science Cookbook

By : Rushdi Shams
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Java Data Science Cookbook

By: Rushdi Shams

Overview of this book

If you are looking to build data science models that are good for production, Java has come to the rescue. With the aid of strong libraries such as MLlib, Weka, DL4j, and more, you can efficiently perform all the data science tasks you need to. This unique book provides modern recipes to solve your common and not-so-common data science-related problems. We start with recipes to help you obtain, clean, index, and search data. Then you will learn a variety of techniques to analyze, learn from, and retrieve information from data. You will also understand how to handle big data, learn deeply from data, and visualize data. Finally, you will work through unique recipes that solve your problems while taking data science to production, writing distributed data science applications, and much more - things that will come in handy at work.
Table of Contents (16 chapters)
Java Data Science Cookbook
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Creating a Word2vec neural net using Deep Learning for Java (DL4j)

Word2vec can be seen as a two-layer neural net that works with natural text. With its typical usage, the input for the algorithm can be a text corpus, and its output is a set of feature vectors for words in that corpus. Note that Word2vec is not, strictly speaking, a deep neural network as it translates text into a numerical form that deep neural nets can read and understand. In this recipe, we will see how we can use the popular deep learning Java library named deep learning for Java (from this point on, DL4j) to apply Word2vec to raw text.

How to do it...

  1. Create a class named Word2VecRawTextExample:

            public class Word2VecRawTextExample { 
  2. Create a logger for this class. The logger facility has already been included in your project, as you have used Maven to build your project:

            private static Logger log = 
  3. Start creating your main...