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Deep Learning with Keras

By : Antonio Gulli, Sujit Pal
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Deep Learning with Keras

By: Antonio Gulli, Sujit Pal

Overview of this book

This book starts by introducing you to supervised learning algorithms such as simple linear regression, the classical multilayer perceptron and more sophisticated deep convolutional networks. You will also explore image processing with recognition of handwritten digit images, classification of images into different categories, and advanced objects recognition with related image annotations. An example of identification of salient points for face detection is also provided. Next you will be introduced to Recurrent Networks, which are optimized for processing sequence data such as text, audio or time series. Following that, you will learn about unsupervised learning algorithms such as Autoencoders and the very popular Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs). You will also explore non-traditional uses of neural networks as Style Transfer. Finally, you will look at reinforcement learning and its application to AI game playing, another popular direction of research and application of neural networks.
Table of Contents (16 chapters)
Title Page
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Deep convolutional neural network — DCNN

A deep convolutional neural network (DCNN) consists of many neural network layers. Two different types of layers, convolutional and pooling, are typically alternated. The depth of each filter increases from left to right in the network. The last stage is typically made of one or more fully connected layers:

There are three key intuitions beyond ConvNets:

  • Local receptive fields
  • Shared weights
  • Pooling

Let's review them.

Local receptive fields

If we want to preserve spatial information, then it is convenient to represent each image with a matrix of pixels. Then, a simple way to encode the local structure is to connect a submatrix of adjacent input neurons into one single hidden neuron belonging to the next layer. That single hidden neuron represents one local receptive field. Note that this operation is named convolution and it gives the name to this type of network.

Of course, we can encode more information by having overlapping submatrices. For instance, let...