With the knowledge of the functions and strategies we have discussed, our text analysis can be aided; it is often when we are doing large scale text analysis that a small error can lead to completely nonsense results (remember garbage in, garbage out from Chapter 1, What is Text Analysis?).
We finish this mini-chapter with a few useful links on basic text manipulation:
- Printing and Manipulating Text [9]: Basic manipulation and printing of text, recommended if interested in how to display text in different ways.
- Manipulating Strings [10]: Basic String functions as well as exercises, useful for the further practice of string manipulation.
- Manipulating Strings in Python [11]: Similar to the two-preceding links includes a section on escape sequences as well.
- Text Processing in Python (book) [12]: Unlike the other links, this is a whole book. It covers the very fundamentals of text and string manipulation in Python and includes useful material on some uncovered topics such as regular expressions...