Having discussed some of the basics of text analysis, let's dive head first into our first Python package we'll be learning to use - spaCy [1].
spaCy describes itself asIndustrial Strength Natural Language Processing – and it most certainly does its best to live up to this promise. Focused on getting things done rather than a more academic approach, spaCy ships with only one part-of-speech tagging algorithm and only one named-entity-recognizer (per language). What this also means is that the package is not bloated with unnecessary features.
We previously mentionedacademic approach – what does this mean? A large number of the open-source packages in the natural language processing and machine learning are usually created or maintained by researchers and those working in academia. While they do end upworking– the aim of the projects is not to provide state-of-the-art implementations of algorithms.NLTK [2] is one such example, where the primary focus of the library is to give students and...