We've seen in this chapter why it makes sense to change our representation of text from words to numbers, and why this is the only language a computer understands. There are different ways computers can interpret words, and TF-IDF and bag of words are two such vector representations. Gensim is a Python package that offers us ways to generate such vector representations, which are later used as inputs into various machine learning and information retrieval algorithms.
There are further preprocessing techniques such as creating n-grams, collocations and removing low-frequency words, which can help us arrive at better results. The concepts of vectors form a basis in natural language processing and we can now get back to using spaCy's pipelines; indeed, Chapter 5, POS-Tagging and Its Applications, Chapter 6, NER-Tagging and Its Applications, andChapter 7, Dependency Parsing, all showcase the power of spaCy, and we will start with POS-tagging algorithms using spaCy.