- access control mechanism
- about / Access control
- actors, Hyperledger Fabric
- developers / Hyperledger Fabric explored
- administrators / Hyperledger Fabric explored
- operators / Hyperledger Fabric explored
- auditors / Hyperledger Fabric explored
- business users / Hyperledger Fabric explored
- Anti-Money Laundering (AML) / Identity management
- application
- building / Building a complete application, Building the application
- Hyperledger Fabric application / The nature of a Hyperledger Fabric application
- chaincode, wrapping / Middleware – wrapping and driving the chaincode
- driving / Middleware – wrapping and driving the chaincode
- tools and dependencies, installation / Installation of tools and dependencies
- middleware creation, prerequisites / Prerequisites for creating and running the middleware
- middleware creation, execution / Prerequisites for creating and running the middleware
- dependencies, installation / Installation of dependencies
- middleware, creating / Creating and running the middleware
- middleware, executing / Creating and running the middleware
- network configuration / Network configuration
- endorsement policy / Endorsement policy
- user records / User records
- client registration / Client registration and enrollment
- client enrollment / Client registration and enrollment
- channel, creating / Creating a channel
- channel, joining / Joining a channel
- chaincode, installation / Installation of chaincode
- chaincode, instantiation / Instantiation of chaincode
- chaincode, invoking / Invoking the chaincode
- chaincode, querying / Querying the chaincode
- blockchain events, subscribing / Completing the loop – subscribing to blockchain events
- implementing / Putting it all together
- user application / User application – exporting the service and API
- application integration, with existing systems and processes
- about / Integration with existing systems and processes
- design considerations / Design considerations
- decentralization / Decentralization
- process alignment / Process alignment
- message affinity / Message affinity
- service discovery / Service discovery
- identity mapping / Identity mapping
- design pattern / Integration design pattern
- enterprise system integration / Enterprise system integration
- system of record, integrating / Integrating with an existing system of record
- operational data store, integrating with / Integrating with an operational data store
- microservice and event-driven architecture / Microservice and event-driven architecture
- reliability, considering / Reliability
- availability, considering / Availability
- serviceability, considering / Serviceability
- Apteligent
- reference link / Measurement and analytics
- asset life cycle
- about / Asset life cycles
- describing, with transactions / Describing asset's life cycles in detail with transactions
- assets
- about / Participants are agents, Introducing assets
- flowing, between participants / Assets flow between participants
- tangible assets / Tangible and intangible assets
- intangible assets / Tangible and intangible assets
- structure / The structure of assets
- ownership / Ownership is a special relationship
- Association for Food Science and Technology (SAAFoST) / Regulators and business networks
- Attribute-based Access Control (ABAC)
- about / Access control, ABAC
- user, registering / Registering a user
- user, enrolling / Enrolling a user
- user identities, retrieving / Retrieving user identities and attributes in chaincode
- user attributes, retrieving / Retrieving user identities and attributes in chaincode
- big data analytics / Measurement and analytics
- bill of lading / Terms used in trade finance and logistics
- bindfs
- reference link / Collecting health and capacity information
- blockchain
- about / Defining the terms – what is a blockchain?
- fundamentals / Additional capabilities to consider
- cryptocurrency / The great divide, Addressing the divide – the enterprise blockchain and crypto asset-driven ecosystem
- initial coin offering (ICO) / The great divide
- economic model / An economic model for blockchain delivery
- learning / Learning as we go
- trust / The promise of trust and accountability
- accountability / The promise of trust and accountability
- using, in enterprise / Blockchain in the enterprise
- integrating, in enterprise / Integrating a blockchain infrastructure for the whole enterprise
- sustainability design principles / Ensuring sustainability
- selecting, business considerations / Business considerations for choosing a blockchain framework
- selecting, technology considerations / Technology considerations for choosing a blockchain framework
- data model, storing on / Data model
- initial coin offerings (ICO) / Addressing the divide – the enterprise blockchain and crypto asset-driven ecosystem
- interoperability / Interoperability – understanding business service integration
- blockchain, enterprise
- applications benefits / What applications are a good fit?
- radical openness / How does the enterprise view blockchain?
- transaction economy, aspects / Litmus testing to justify the application of blockchain technology
- blockchain applications
- comparing, with real-world processes / Benefits of blockchain applications over current real-world processes
- blockchain approach, characteristics
- consensus / Governance and the IT solution
- provenance / Governance and the IT solution
- immutable / Governance and the IT solution
- finality / Governance and the IT solution
- blockchain benefits
- about / Blockchain benefits
- supply chain management / Supply chain management
- healthcare / Healthcare
- finance / Finance – letter of credit
- blockchain framworks
- fundamentals / Four core building blocks of blockchain framworks
- blockchain network
- components / Components in a blockchain network
- blockchain network extensibility
- enterprise integration / Enterprise integration and designing for extensibility
- enterprise, designing / Enterprise integration and designing for extensibility
- blockchain network governance / Blockchain network governance
- blockchain solution
- fundamentals / The building blocks of blockchain solutions
- scalability / Scalability and economic viability of the blockchain solution
- economic viability / Scalability and economic viability of the blockchain solution
- blockchains with bitcoin
- reference link / Defining the terms – what is a blockchain?
- build process organization / Local build
- business
- use case / Business scenario and use case
- Business-to-Business (B2B) / Implementing a business network
- Business API (BAPI) call / Process alignment
- business considerations
- for blockchain selection / Business considerations for choosing a blockchain framework
- business domain and processes
- about / Business domains and processes
- funding and fees / Funding and fees
- regulation / Regulation
- education / Education
- service life cycle / Service life cycle
- disputes / Disputes
- business model
- exploring / Exploring the business models
- blockchain benefits / Blockchain benefits
- from benefits, to profit / From benefits to profits
- network business model / Network business model
- business network
- about / A busy world of purposeful activity, A description of the business network
- language, need for / Why a language for business networks?
- defining / Defining business networks
- idea / A deeper idea
- implementing / Implementing a business network
- de-materialization, importance / The importance of de-materialization
- blockchain benefits, for B2B / Blockchain benefits for B2B and EDI
- blockchain benefits, for EDI / Blockchain benefits for B2B and EDI
- participants, interacting with blockchain / Participants that interact with the blockchain
- accessing, with APIs / Accessing the business network with APIs
- 3-tier systems architecture / A 3-tier systems architecture
- Hyperledger Fabric / Hyperledger Fabric and Hyperledger Composer
- Hyperledger Composer / Hyperledger Fabric and Hyperledger Composer
- Playground / The Playground
- participant descriptions / The participant descriptions
- asset descriptions / The asset descriptions
- transaction descriptions / The transaction descriptions
- event descriptions / The event descriptions
- model / A model of the business network
- namespaces / Namespaces
- enumerations / Enumerations
- asset definitions / Asset definitions
- participant definitions / Participant definitions
- concept definitions / Concept definitions
- transaction definitions / Transaction definitions
- event definitions / Event definitions
- examining / Examining the live network
- participant instances, examining / Examining participant instances
- transaction instances, examining / Examining transaction instances
- transaction, submitting / Submitting a new transaction to the network
- transactions implementation / Understanding how transactions are implemented
- querying, with SWAGGER / Querying the network using SWAGGER
- testing, with command line / Testing the network from the command line
- Access Control List (ACL), examining / Access-control lists
- updating / Updating the network, Updating the business network
- consortium, notifying / Notifying the consortium
- upgrading / Upgrading the business network
- new version, downloading / Downloading a new version
- governance role in / Role of governance in a business network
- membership life cycle / Role of governance in a business network
- funding and fees / Role of governance in a business network
- regulation / Role of governance in a business network
- education / Role of governance in a business network
- service life cycle / Role of governance in a business network
- disputes / Role of governance in a business network
- business network,
- viewing / Viewing the business network
- business network APIs
- creating / Creating business network APIs
- SWAGGER / SWAGGER API definitions
- business network archive (BNA) / Strengths and advantages of componentized design, Releasing the new version
- business network cards / The Playground, Network cards and wallets
- business network definition / Analyzing the letter of credit process
- business network governance / Business network governance
- business scenario
- about / Business scenario and use case
- overview / Overview
- shared assets / Shared assets and data
- shared data / Shared assets and data
- participants' roles / Participants' roles and capabilities
- participants' capabilities / Participants' roles and capabilities
- business support services (BSSs) / Information technology governance
- byzantine-fault tolerant (BFT) / Defining the terms – what is a blockchain?
- CAP Theorem / CAP Theorem
- centralized governance
- about / Centralized governance
- strategic governance / Strategic governance
- operational governance / Operational governance
- tactical governance / Tactical governance
- Certificate Authority (Fabric CA) / Access control
- certificate signing request (CSR) / Bootstrapping Fabric CA
- chaincode
- about / Hyperledger frameworks
- creating / Creating a chaincode
- interface / The chaincode interface
- file, setting up / Setting up the chaincode file
- Invoke method / The Invoke method
- testing / Testing chaincode
- SHIM mocking / SHIM mocking
- deploying / Deploying and updating chaincode
- updating / Deploying and updating chaincode
- sharing, with endorsing peers / How is chaincode shared with other endorsing peers?
- installing / Who can install chaincode?
- attribute-based access control / Attribute-based access control
- chaincode development
- initiating / Starting the chaincode development
- compiling / Compiling and running chaincode
- executing / Compiling and running chaincode
- installing / Installing and instantiating chaincode
- instantiating / Installing and instantiating chaincode
- invoking / Invoking chaincode
- chaincode encryption / Chaincode encryption
- chaincode functions
- implementing / Implementing chaincode functions
- assets, defining / Defining chaincode assets
- coding / Coding chaincode functions
- asset, creating / Creating an asset
- asset, reading / Reading and modifying an asset
- asset, modifying / Reading and modifying an asset
- main function / Main function
- chaincode security / Chaincode security
- channel configuration updates
- about / Channel configuration updates, Updating the channel configuration
- prerequisites, for adding organization to network / Prerequisites for adding a new organization to the network
- network cryptographic material, generating / Generating network cryptographic material
- channel artifacts, generating / Generating channel artifacts
- configuration, generating / Generating the configuration and network components in one operation
- network components / Generating the configuration and network components in one operation
- network components, launching for new organization / Launching the network components for the new organization
- new organization, adding to network / Adding the new organization to the network
- Client Identity Chaincode (CID) library / Retrieving user identities and attributes in chaincode
- sample content / Sample content of the CODEOWNERS
- Command-Line Interface (CLI) / Middleware – wrapping and driving the chaincode
- community-based network / Community-based network
- component design, Hyperledger Fabric
- CAP Theorem / CAP Theorem
- advantages / Strengths and advantages of componentized design
- consortium-based network / Consortium-based network
- continuous integration pipeline
- configuring / Configuring a continuous integration pipeline
- pipeline process, customizing / Customizing the pipeline process
- BNA package, publishing / Publishing our smart contract package
- contract / Implicit and explicit transactions
- core.yaml file
- reference link / Network components' configuration files
- crash fault tolerant (CFT) / Ordering service
- create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) / The Invoke method
- crypto-economic models / Crypto-economic models
- data collection, Hyperledger Fabric application
- health information, collecting / Collecting health and capacity information
- capacity information, collecting / Collecting health and capacity information
- data model
- storing, on blockchain / Data model
- decentralization
- about / An economic model for blockchain delivery, Decentralization and governance
- with systemic governance / Decentralization with systemic governance
- decentralized governance / Decentralized governance
- design considerations, blockchain network extensibility
- flexibility with membership / Enterprise integration and designing for extensibility
- compute equity / Enterprise integration and designing for extensibility
- shared business interests / Enterprise integration and designing for extensibility
- governance / Enterprise integration and designing for extensibility
- consensus model / Consensus, ACID property, and CAP
- attestation / Attestation – SSCs are signed and encrypted
- HSMs, using / Use of HSMs
- design principles, Hyperledger Fabric
- modular approach / Principles of Hyperledger design
- extensible approach / Principles of Hyperledger design
- interoperability / Principles of Hyperledger design
- focus on secure solutions / Principles of Hyperledger design
- Token agnostic approach / Principles of Hyperledger design
- focus on rich and easy-to-use APIs / Principles of Hyperledger design
- development environment
- setting up / Setting up the development environment
- network, designing / Designing a network
- prerequisites, installing / Installing prerequisites
- source code, forking / Forking and cloning the trade-finance-logistics repository
- source code, cloning / Forking and cloning the trade-finance-logistics repository
- network configuration, creating / Creating and running a network configuration
- network configuration, executing / Creating and running a network configuration
- development tooling / Development tooling
- device participants / System or device participants
- distributed transaction processing system / What should we measure or understand in a Fabric application
- Docker
- installation link / Installing prerequisites
- Docker images
- reference link / Composing a sample trade network
- domain-specific / The structure of assets
- Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) / Regulators and business networks
- Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) / Implementing a business network
- Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) / Which crypto protocols are allowed in certificate signing requests?
- end-to-end process
- testing / Testing the end-to-end process
- transaction, creating / Creating a new transaction
- test cases, adding / Adding test cases
- new version, releasing / Releasing the new version
- Enrollment Certificates (ecerts) / Access control
- enterprise
- integrating, for blockchain network extensibility / Enterprise integration and designing for extensibility
- designing, for blockchain network extensibility / Enterprise integration and designing for extensibility
- enterprise design principles
- about / Enterprise design principles
- business drivers / Business drivers and evolution
- business evolution / Business drivers and evolution
- sustainability, ensuring / Ensuring sustainability
- Enterprise Ethereum Alliance (EEA) / Staying engaged with the Hyperledger blockchain
- enterprise security / Enterprise security
- enterprise support / Enterprise support
- Ethereum
- reference link / Defining the terms – what is a blockchain?
- Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) / Hyperledger frameworks, Hyperledger framework – business blockchain technology
- events
- about / Discussing events from the perspective of designing a business network using Composer, Events and transactions
- universal concept / A universal concept
- messages, carrying as notifications / Messages carry event notifications
- structure, example / An example to illustrate event structure
- external events, versus explicit events / External versus explicit events
- participants actions, simulating / Events cause participants to act
- coupled design / Loosely coupled design
- utility / The utility of events
- explicit events / External versus explicit events
- export license / Terms used in trade finance and logistics
- express
- reference link / Creating and launching a service
- external event / Events and transactions, External versus explicit events
- extract-transform-load (ETL) / Measurement and analytics
- fabric-ca-server-config.yaml
- reference link / Network components' configuration files
- Fabric blockchain
- life cycle / Fabric blockchain and application life cycle
- Fabric CA
- reference link / Access control
- bootstrapping / Bootstrapping Fabric CA
- register operation / Register
- default roles / Default Fabric roles
- enroll / Enroll
- identities, revoking / Revoking identities
- practical considerations, in user management / Practical considerations in managing users in Fabric CA
- Fabric network
- installation link / Launching a sample trade network
- founder-led network
- about / Founder-led network
- types / Founder-led network
- frameworks, Hyperledger
- Hyperledger Iroha / Hyperledger frameworks
- Hyperledger Sawtooth / Hyperledger frameworks
- Hyperledger Burrow / Hyperledger frameworks
- Hyperledger Fabric (HLF) / Hyperledger frameworks
- Hyperledger Indy / Hyperledger frameworks
- fundamentals, blockchain framworks
- shared ledger / Four core building blocks of blockchain framworks
- cryptography / Four core building blocks of blockchain framworks
- trust systems / Four core building blocks of blockchain framworks
- consensus / Four core building blocks of blockchain framworks
- business rules / Four core building blocks of blockchain framworks
- smart contracts / Four core building blocks of blockchain framworks
- fundamentals, blockchain Solutions
- shared ledger / The building blocks of blockchain solutions
- privacy through cryptography / The building blocks of blockchain solutions
- trust systems / The building blocks of blockchain solutions
- consensus / The building blocks of blockchain solutions
- smart contracts / The building blocks of blockchain solutions
- fundamentals, Hyperledger Fabric
- Linux Foundation (LF) / The Linux Foundation
- open source / Open source and open standards
- open standards / Open source and open standards
- General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
- about / Regulation
- considerations / General data protection regulation (GDPR) considerations
- reference link / General data protection regulation (GDPR) considerations
- Git
- configuring, for commit signing / Configuring Git for commit signing and validation
- configuring, for validation / Configuring Git for commit signing and validation
- Git repository
- configuring / Configuring your Git repository
- commit, pushing to master branch / Pushing a commit to the master branch directly
- pull request, submitting with unsigned commit / Submitting a pull request with an unsigned commit
- pull request, submitting with signed commit / Submitting a pull request with a signed commit
- mergeAssets unit test, adding / Adding the mergeAssets unit test
- Git repository, protecting
- code owners, setting of smart contract / Setting the code owners of our smart contract
- master branch, protecting / Protecting the master branch
- GNU Privacy Guard (GPG)
- about / Promotion process overview
- configuring, on local workstation / Configuring GPG on your local workstation
- Google Analytics
- reference link / Measurement and analytics
- Go programming language
- reference link / Testing chaincode
- governance
- about / Understanding governance in business networks powered by blockchain, Decentralization and governance, Governance and the IT solution
- structure / Governance structure and landscape
- landscape / Governance structure and landscape
- aspects / Network bootstrap and governance – the first step towards security
- governance structure
- about / Governance structure
- centralized governance / Centralized governance
- decentralized governance / Decentralized governance
- gRPC
- reference link / Middleware – wrapping and driving the chaincode
- hardware security module (HSM)
- about / Use of HSMs
- reference link / Ordering service
- heterogeneous transformation / Asset life cycles
- homogeneous transformation / Asset life cycles
- hybrid models
- about / Hybrid models
- joint venture / Joint venture
- new corporation (NewCo) / New corporation
- Hyperledger
- about / Hyperledger
- frameworks / Hyperledger frameworks, tools, and building blocks
- tools / Hyperledger frameworks, tools, and building blocks
- fundamentals / Hyperledger frameworks, tools, and building blocks
- Hyperledger blockchain
- about / Staying engaged with the Hyperledger blockchain
- business-related observations / Staying engaged with the Hyperledger blockchain
- technology-related observations / Staying engaged with the Hyperledger blockchain
- Hyperledger Burrow / Hyperledger frameworks, Hyperledger framework – business blockchain technology
- Hyperledger Caliper
- about / Hyperledger tools
- reference link / Fabric performance measurement and benchmarking
- Hyperledger Cello
- about / Hyperledger tools
- reference link / Fabric performance measurement and benchmarking
- Hyperledger Composer
- about / Hyperledger tools, Hyperledger Composer
- components / Hyperledger Composer
- Hyperledger Explorer / Hyperledger tools
- Hyperledger Fabric
- foundation / Building on the foundations of open computing
- fundamentals / Fundamentals of the Hyperledger project
- advantages / Open source and open standards
- component design / Hyperledger Fabric component design
- infrastructure components / Hyperledger Fabric component design
- design principles / Principles of Hyperledger design
- runtime architecture / Hyperledger Fabric runtime architecture
- runtime transaction processing flow / Hyperledger Fabric runtime architecture
- sample transaction / Hyperledger Fabric – the journey of a sample transaction
- transaction flow / Hyperledger Fabric – the journey of a sample transaction
- transaction nodes / Hyperledger Fabric – the journey of a sample transaction
- about / Hyperledger Fabric explored, Hyperledger framework – business blockchain technology
- developer interaction / Developer interaction
- reference link / Platform performance characteristics
- key design goals, for security impact / Hyperledger Fabric design goals impacting security
- threats / Common threats and how Hyperledger Fabric mitigates them
- transaction privacy / Transaction privacy in Hyperledger Fabric
- post-quantum cryptography / Hyperledger Fabric and Quantum Computing
- Hyperledger Fabric (HLF) / Hyperledger frameworks
- Hyperledger Fabric application
- about / The nature of a Hyperledger Fabric application
- transaction stages / Application and transaction stages
- application model / Application model and architecture
- architecture / Application model and architecture
- modifying / Modifying or upgrading a Hyperledger Fabric application
- upgrading / Modifying or upgrading a Hyperledger Fabric application
- life cycle / Fabric blockchain and application life cycle
- system monitoring / System monitoring and performance
- system performance / System monitoring and performance
- measurement / Measurement and analytics, Measurement and data collection in a Fabric application
- analytics / Measurement and analytics
- data collection / Measurement and data collection in a Fabric application
- containers, profiling / Profiling containers and applications
- applications, profiling / Profiling containers and applications
- profiling, reference link / Profiling containers and applications
- performance, measuring / Measuring application performance
- performance engineering guidelines / Fabric engineering guidelines for performance
- platform performance characteristics / Platform performance characteristics
- system bottlenecks / System bottlenecks
- parameters configuration / Configuration and tuning
- parameters, tuning / Configuration and tuning
- performance benchmarking / Fabric performance measurement and benchmarking
- performance measurement / Fabric performance measurement and benchmarking
- Hyper ledger Fabric architecture
- CA/membership service provider / Fabric CA or membership service provider
- Hyperledger Fabric architecture
- about / Hyperledger Fabric reference architecture, Hyperledger Fabric architecture
- membership services / Hyperledger Fabric reference architecture
- transactions / Hyperledger Fabric reference architecture
- smart contract / Hyperledger Fabric reference architecture
- events / Hyperledger Fabric reference architecture
- consensus / Hyperledger Fabric reference architecture
- ledger / Hyperledger Fabric reference architecture, Ledger
- client SDK / Hyperledger Fabric reference architecture
- peer / Peer
- smart contract/chaincode / Smart contract or chaincode
- private data / Private data
- ordering service / Ordering service
- Hyperledger frameworks / Hyperledger framework – business blockchain technology
- Hyperledger Indy / Hyperledger frameworks, Hyperledger framework – business blockchain technology
- Hyperledger Iroha / Hyperledger frameworks, Hyperledger framework – business blockchain technology
- Hyperledger projects / Summary of key Hyperledger projects
- Hyperledger Quilt / Hyperledger tools
- Hyperledger Sawtooth / Hyperledger frameworks, Hyperledger framework – business blockchain technology
- identities / Strong identities – the key to the security of the Hyperledger Fabric network
- identity / Participants and identity
- identity management
- about / Identity management
- permissioning / Identity management
- end user identity / Identity management
- considerations / Identity management
- independent transaction streams / Transaction streams
- information technology governance / Information technology governance
- Initial Coin Offering (ICO) / The great divide
- instance asset / The structure of assets
- integration layer
- considerations / Integration layer considerations
- inter-ledger protocol (ILP) / Hyperledger tools
- Internet of Things (IoT) / The great divide
- interprise synergy / Integrating a blockchain infrastructure for the whole enterprise
- IT governance standards
- Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) / Decentralization and governance
- Control Objectives for Information and Related Technologies (COBIT) / Decentralization and governance
- IT solution / Governance and the IT solution
- JSON RPC 2.0
- reference link / Middleware – wrapping and driving the chaincode
- Know Your Customer (KYC) / Identity management
- layers, enterprise security
- physical IT infrastructure layer / Enterprise security
- blockchain middleware layer / Enterprise security
- blockchain consensus / Enterprise security
- ledger world state / Transaction history and asset states
- letter of credit
- about / Trading and letter of credit, Terms used in trade finance and logistics
- process / The letter of credit process today
- sample / The letter of credit sample
- request, preparing / Step 1 – preparing to request a letter of credit
- requesting / Step 2 – requesting a letter of credit
- bank approval, importing / Step 3 – importing bank approval
- bank approval, exporting / Step 4 – exporting bank approval
- receiving, by exporter / Step 5 – letter received by exporter
- shipment / Step 6 – shipment
- received goods / Step 7 – goods received
- payment / Step 8 – payment
- closing / Step 9 – closing the letter
- received payment / Step 10 – Bob receives payment
- analyzing / Analyzing the letter of credit process
- instance, examining / Examining a letter of credit instance
- creating, with SWAGGER / Creating a new letter using SWAGGER
- Linux Foundation (LF) / The Linux Foundation
- local workstation
- GPG, configuring on / Configuring GPG on your local workstation
- logging
- about / Logging output
- configuration / Configuration
- logging API / Logging API
- SHIM logging levels / SHIM logging levels
- stdout / Stdout and stderr
- stderr / Stdout and stderr
- SHIM API functions / Additional SHIM API functions
- maintainability / Serviceability
- measurement, Hyperledger Fabric application
- blockchain applications / Blockchain applications vis-à-vis traditional transaction processing applications
- traditional transaction processing applications / Blockchain applications vis-à-vis traditional transaction processing applications
- metrics, for performance analysis / Metrics for performance analysis
- member enrollment certificates (eCerts) / Identity management
- Membership Service Provider (MSP) / Access control, Retrieving user identities and attributes in chaincode
- membership service provider (MSP) / Designing a network, Fabric CA or membership service provider
- metrics, Hyperledger Fabric application
- throughput / Metrics for performance analysis
- latency / Metrics for performance analysis
- modification ways, Hyperledger Fabric application
- software updates / Modifying or upgrading a Hyperledger Fabric application
- resource requirements, changing / Modifying or upgrading a Hyperledger Fabric application
- user memberships, changing / Modifying or upgrading a Hyperledger Fabric application
- application policies, changing / Modifying or upgrading a Hyperledger Fabric application
- network configurations, changing / Modifying or upgrading a Hyperledger Fabric application
- multiversion concurrency control (MVCC) / Multiversion concurrency control
- network
- creating / Creating the network
- members, adding / Adding new members
- network bootstrap / Network bootstrap and governance – the first step towards security
- network business model
- about / Network business model
- founder-led network / Founder-led network
- consortium-based network / Consortium-based network
- community-based network / Community-based network
- hybrid models / Hybrid models
- network components'
- configuration files / Network components' configuration files
- network configuration
- channel artifacts, generating / Generating channel artifacts
- generating / Generating the configuration in one operation
- trade network, composing / Composing a sample trade network
- network cryptographic material
- preparing / Preparing the network
- generating / Generating network cryptographic material
- new corporation (NewCo) / New corporation
- nmon for Linux
- reference link / Collecting health and capacity information
- on-boarding
- managing / Managed on-boarding
- open governance / An economic model for blockchain delivery
- operational governance / Operational governance
- operational support services (OSSs) / Information technology governance
- orderer.yaml file
- reference link / Network components' configuration files
- ownership / Ownership is a special relationship
- participants
- about / Introducing participants
- types / Types of participant
- individual participants / Individual participants
- organizational participants / Organizational participants
- device participants / System or device participants
- system participants / System or device participants
- agents / Participants are agents
- identity / Participants and identity
- performance improvement, Hyperledger Fabric application
- ledger data availability, optimizing / Ledger data availability and caching
- ledger data, coaching / Ledger data availability and caching
- redundant committing peer / Redundant committing peer
- data caching / Data caching
- perf Wiki
- reference link / Collecting health and capacity information
- pipeline
- customizing, .travis.yml used / Customizing the pipeline using .travis.yml
- pipeline process
- customizing / Customizing the pipeline process
- pprof
- reference link / Profiling containers and applications
- principles, blockchain adoption
- business blueprint / The principles that drive blockchain adoption
- technology blueprint / The principles that drive blockchain adoption
- enterprise integration / The principles that drive blockchain adoption
- promotion process
- about / Defining the promotion process
- smart contracts / Defining the promotion process, Smart contract considerations
- integration layer / Defining the promotion process, Integration layer considerations
- overview / Promotion process overview
- Proof of Elapsed Time (PoET) / Hyperledger frameworks, Hyperledger framework – business blockchain technology
- proof of work (PoW) / Defining the terms – what is a blockchain?
- provenance / Ownership is a special relationship
- public key infrastructure (PKI) / Hyperledger Fabric reference architecture
- quantum computing
- reference link / Hyperledger Fabric and Quantum Computing
- Rapid Stock Rise / Events and transactions
- real-world processes
- about / Real-world processes
- blockchain applications, benefits over / Benefits of blockchain applications over current real-world processes
- reconciliation / Blockchain benefits for B2B and EDI
- reducing friction / Implicit and explicit transactions
- reference architecture, Hyperledger Fabric
- chaincode services / Hyperledger Fabric reference architecture
- regulator / Regulators and business networks
- sample, letter of credit
- installing / Installing the sample
- executing / Running the sample
- execution recapping / Recapping the process
- scalability / Scalability
- secure service containers (SSCs) / Attestation – SSCs are signed and encrypted
- secure transaction processing protocol
- fundamentals / Fundamentals of the secure transaction processing protocol
- Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) / Regulators and business networks
- segregated witness (SegWit) / Decentralization and governance
- separation of concerns / The structure of assets
- serviceability / Serviceability
- SHIM mocking model
- about / SHIM mocking
- Init model, testing / Testing the Init method
- Invoke method, testing / Testing the Invoke method
- tests, executing / Running tests
- composite keys / Composite keys
- range queries / Range queries
- state queries / State queries and CouchDB
- CouchDB / State queries and CouchDB
- indexes / Indexes
- ReadSet / ReadSet and WriteSet
- WriteSet / ReadSet and WriteSet
- multiversion concurrency control (MVCC) / Multiversion concurrency control
- smart contract
- considerations / Smart contract considerations
- software, business network
- reference link / Installing prerequisites
- Software Development Kit (SDK) / Middleware – wrapping and driving the chaincode
- Splunk
- reference link / Measurement and analytics
- strategic governance / Strategic governance
- Sumeragi / Hyperledger frameworks
- about / SWAGGER API definitions
- used, for querying business network / Querying the network using SWAGGER
- used, for creating letter of credit / Creating a new letter using SWAGGER
- Systems Performance
- Enterprise and the Cloud / System monitoring and performance
- .travis.yml
- used, for pipeline customizing / Customizing the pipeline using .travis.yml
- tactical governance / Tactical governance
- Tealeaf
- reference link / Measurement and analytics
- technology considerations
- for blockchain selection / Technology considerations for choosing a blockchain framework
- technology considerations, blockchain
- identity management / Identity management
- scalability / Scalability
- enterprise security / Enterprise security
- development tooling / Development tooling
- crypto-economic models / Crypto-economic models
- decentralization, with systemic governance / Decentralization with systemic governance
- enterprise support / Enterprise support
- use case-driven pluggability choices / Use case-driven pluggability choices
- tools, Hyperledger
- Hyperledger Explorer / Hyperledger tools, Hyperledger tools
- Hyperledger Cello / Hyperledger tools, Hyperledger tools
- Hyperledger Composer / Hyperledger tools
- Hyperledger Quilt / Hyperledger tools, Hyperledger tools
- Hyperledger Caliper / Hyperledger tools, Hyperledger tools
- trade
- facilitating / The importance of trust in facilitating trade
- finance and logistics, concepts / Terms used in trade finance and logistics
- trade network
- launching / Launching a sample trade network
- transaction certificates for each member (tCerts) / Identity management
- transaction privacy, Hyperledger Fabric
- channels / Transaction privacy in Hyperledger Fabric, Channels
- private data / Private data
- transaction data, encrypting / Encrypting transaction data
- transactions
- about / Describing asset's life cycles in detail with transactions, Introducing transactions, Events and transactions
- fundamental concept / Change as a fundamental concept
- defining / Transaction definition and instance
- instance / Transaction definition and instance
- implicit transactions / Implicit and explicit transactions
- explicit transactions / Implicit and explicit transactions
- contracts, importance / The importance of contracts
- signatures / Signatures
- smart contracts, for multi-party transaction processing / Smart contracts for multi-party transaction processing
- digital transaction processing / Digital transaction processing
- initiating transactions / Initiating transactions
- history / Transaction history, Transaction history and asset states
- streams / Transaction streams
- separating, into different business networks / Separating transactions into different business networks
- asset states / Transaction history and asset states
- business network, as history / A business network as a history of transactions
- regulator / Regulators and business networks
- business network / Regulators and business networks
- transactions per second (TPS) / The principles that drive blockchain adoption
- Travis CI
- configuring / Configuring Travis CI
- type asset / The structure of assets
- upgradating ways, Hyperledger Fabric application
- channel configuration updates / Modifying or upgrading a Hyperledger Fabric application, Channel configuration updates
- smart contract, updates / Modifying or upgrading a Hyperledger Fabric application
- smart contract / Smart contract and policy updates
- policy updates / Smart contract and policy updates
- chaincode logic, modifying / Modification in chaincode logic
- dependency, upgrading in chaincode / Dependency upgrades in chaincode
- ledger, resetting / Ledger resetting
- endorsement policy update / Endorsement policy update
- chaincode, upgrading, on trade channel / Upgrading chaincode and endorsement policy on the trade channel
- endorsement policy, upgrading on trade channel / Upgrading chaincode and endorsement policy on the trade channel
- platform upgrades / Platform upgrades
- use case, business
- real-world processes / Real-world processes
- simplified processes / Simplified and modified processes
- modified processes / Simplified and modified processes
- shared process workflow / Shared process workflow
- use case-driven pluggability choices
- about / Use case-driven pluggability choices
- shared ledger technology / Shared ledger technology
- consensus / Consensus
- crypto algorithms / Crypto algorithms and encryption technology
- encryption technology / Crypto algorithms and encryption technology
- use case-driven pluggable choices / Use case-driven pluggable choices
- user application
- about / User application – exporting the service and API
- application / Applications
- user management / User and session management, User and session management
- session management / User and session management, User and session management
- API, designing / Designing an API
- service, creating / Creating and launching a service
- service, launching / Creating and launching a service
- network administration / Network administration
- exercising / Exercising the application
- user/client interaction modes / User/client interaction modes
- middleware, testing / Testing the Middleware and Application
- testing / Testing the Middleware and Application
- Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) / Asset definitions
- wallet / The Playground, Network cards and wallets
- Web Sockets
- reference link / User/client interaction modes