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Apache Hive Essentials. - Second Edition

By : Dayong Du
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Apache Hive Essentials. - Second Edition

By: Dayong Du

Overview of this book

In this book, we prepare you for your journey into big data by frstly introducing you to backgrounds in the big data domain, alongwith the process of setting up and getting familiar with your Hive working environment. Next, the book guides you through discovering and transforming the values of big data with the help of examples. It also hones your skills in using the Hive language in an effcient manner. Toward the end, the book focuses on advanced topics, such as performance, security, and extensions in Hive, which will guide you on exciting adventures on this worthwhile big data journey. By the end of the book, you will be familiar with Hive and able to work effeciently to find solutions to big data problems
Table of Contents (12 chapters)


With an increasing interest in big data analysis, Hive over Hadoop becomes a cutting-edge data solution for storing, computing, and analyzing big data. The SQL-like syntax makes Hive easier to learn and is popularly accepted as a standard for interactive SQL queries over big data. The variety of features available within Hive provides us with the capability of doing complex big data analysis without advanced coding skills. The maturity of Hive lets it gradually merge and share its valuable architecture and functionalities across different computing frameworks beyond Hadoop.

Apache Hive Essentials, Second Edition prepares your journey to big data by covering the introduction of backgrounds and concepts in the big data domain, along with the process of setting up and getting familiar with your Hive working environment in the first two chapters. In the next four chapters, the book guides you through discovering and transforming the value behind big data using examples and skills of Hive query languages. In the last four chapters, the book highlights the well-selected and advanced topics, such as performance, security, and extensions, as exciting adventures for this worthwhile big data journey.