Types of blobs
There are several types of blobs for different usage. The next sections briefly describe the various blob types. For more information, please see the following link: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/storage/.
Block blobs
Block blobs are used by most Azure data transfers. They can store application files (CSV, ZIP, and so on), tables used by NoSQL applications, and queues used by streaming services such as Azure ML (short for Azure Machine Learning). Throughout the examples in this book, we'll use block blobs as storage for some of our data transfers.
Page blobs
Page blobs are used for large file storage. Azure Virtual Machines (VMs) use this type of blob to store their disk image.
Replication of storage
Replication of storage represents how the blobs are replicated to ensure the safety of their contents in case of hardware failure. When we create a blob, one of the options we have to select is the replication type:
- LRS (short for Local Redundant Storage): This storage replicates...