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Machine Learning Fundamentals

By : Hyatt Saleh
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Machine Learning Fundamentals

By: Hyatt Saleh

Overview of this book

As machine learning algorithms become popular, new tools that optimize these algorithms are also developed. Machine Learning Fundamentals explains you how to use the syntax of scikit-learn. You'll study the difference between supervised and unsupervised models, as well as the importance of choosing the appropriate algorithm for each dataset. You'll apply unsupervised clustering algorithms over real-world datasets, to discover patterns and profiles, and explore the process to solve an unsupervised machine learning problem. The focus of the book then shifts to supervised learning algorithms. You'll learn to implement different supervised algorithms and develop neural network structures using the scikit-learn package. You'll also learn how to perform coherent result analysis to improve the performance of the algorithm by tuning hyperparameters. By the end of this book, you will have gain all the skills required to start programming machine learning algorithms.
Table of Contents (9 chapters)
Machine Learning Fundamentals


When developing machine learning models, one of the main goals is for the model to be capable of generalizing so that it can be applicable to future unseen data, instead of just learning a set of instances very well but performing poorly on new data. Accordingly, a methodology for validation and testing was explained in this chapter, which involved splitting the data into three sets: a training set, a dev set, and a test set. This approach eliminates the risk of bias. After this, the chapter covered how to evaluate the performance of a model for both classification and regression problems. Finally, we covered how to analyze the performance and perform error analysis for each of the sets and detect the condition affecting the model's performance.

In the next chapter, we will focus on applying different algorithms to a real-life dataset, with the underlying objective of applying the steps learned here to choose the best performing algorithm for the case study.