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Applied Data Science with Python and Jupyter

By : Alex Galea
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Applied Data Science with Python and Jupyter

By: Alex Galea

Overview of this book

Getting started with data science doesn't have to be an uphill battle. Applied Data Science with Python and Jupyter is a step-by-step guide ideal for beginners who know a little Python and are looking for a quick, fast-paced introduction to these concepts. In this book, you'll learn every aspect of the standard data workflow process, including collecting, cleaning, investigating, visualizing, and modeling data. You'll start with the basics of Jupyter, which will be the backbone of the book. After familiarizing ourselves with its standard features, you'll look at an example of it in practice with our first analysis. In the next lesson, you dive right into predictive analytics, where multiple classification algorithms are implemented. Finally, the book ends by looking at data collection techniques. You'll see how web data can be acquired with scraping techniques and via APIs, and then briefly explore interactive visualizations.
Table of Contents (6 chapters)

Chapter 2: Data Cleaning and Advanced Machine

Activity 2: Preparing to Train a Predictive Model for the Employee-Retention Problem

  1. Scroll to the Activity A section of the lesson-2-workbook.ipynb notebook file.

  2. Check the head of the table by running the following code:

    head ../data/hr-analytics/hr_data.csv

    Judging by the output, convince yourself that it looks to be in standard CSV format. For CSV files, we should be able to simply load the data with pd.read_csv.

  3. Load the data with Pandas by running df = pd.read_csv('../data/hr- analytics/hr_data.csv'). Write it out yourself and use tab completion to help type the file path.

  4. Inspect the columns by printing df.columns and make sure the data has loaded as expected by printing the DataFrame head and tail with df.head() and df.tail():

    Figure 2.45: Output for inspecting head and tail of columns

    We can see that it appears to have loaded correctly. Based on the tail index values, there are nearly 15,000 rows; let's make sure we didn't miss any.

  5. Check the number of rows (including the header) in the CSV file with the following code:

    with open('../data/hr-analytics/hr_data.csv') as f: print(len(

    Figure 2.46: Output after checking for number of rows

  6. Compare this result to len(df) to make sure you've loaded all the data:

    Figure 2.47: Output after checking for number of sample uploaded

    Now that our client's data has been properly loaded, let's think about how we can use predictive analytics to find insights into why their employees are leaving.

    Let's run through the first steps for creating a predictive analytics plan:

    Look at the available data: You've already done this by looking at the columns, datatypes, and the number of samples.

    Determine the business needs: The client has clearly expressed their needs: reduce the number of employees who leave.

    Assess the data for suitability: Let's try to determine a plan that can help satisfy the client's needs, given the provided data

    Recall, as mentioned earlier, that effective analytics techniques lead to impactful business decisions. With that in mind, if we were able to predict how likely an employee is to quit, the business could selectively target those employees for special treatment. For example, their salary could be raised or their number of projects reduced. Furthermore, the impact of these changes could be estimated using the model!

    To assess the validity of this plan, let's think about our data. Each row represents an employee who either works for the company or has left, as labeled by the column named left. We can therefore train a model to predict this target, given a set of features.

  7. Assess the target variable. Check the distribution and number of missing entries by running the following code:

    df.left.value_counts().plot('barh') print(df.left.isnull().sum()

    Figure 2.48: Distribution of the target variables

    Here's the output of the second code line:

    Figure 2.49: Output to check missing data points

    About three-quarters of the samples are employees who have not left. The group that has left make up the other quarter of the samples. This tells us we are dealing with an imbalanced classification problem, which means we'll have to take special measures to account for each class when calculating accuracies. We also see that none of the target variables are missing (no NaN values).

    Now, we'll assess the features:

  8. Print the datatype of each by executing df.dtypes. Observe how we have a mix of continuous and discrete features:

    Figure 2.50: Printing data types for verification

  9. Display the feature distributions by running the following code:

    for f in df.columns: try:
    fig = plt.figure()


    For the complete code, refer to the following:

    This code snippet is a little complicated, but it's very useful for showing an overview of both the continuous and discrete features in our dataset. Essentially, it assumes each feature is continuous and attempts to plot its distribution, and reverts to simply plotting the value counts if the feature turns out to be discrete.

    The result is as follows:

    Figure 2.51: Distribution of all features: satisfaction_level and last_evaluation

    Figure 2.52: Distribution of all remaining features

    Figure 2.53: Distribution for the variable promotion_last_5years

    For many features, we see a wide distribution over the possible values, indicating a good variety in the feature spaces. This is encouraging; features that are strongly grouped around a small range of values may not be very informative for the model. This is the case for promotion_last_5years, where we see that the vast majority of samples are 0.

    The next thing we need to do is remove any NaN values from the dataset.

  10. Check how many NaN values are in each column by running the following code:

    df.isnull().sum() / len(df) * 100

    Figure 2.54: Verification for the number of NaN values

    We can see there are about 2.5% missing for average_montly_hours, 1% missing for time_spend_company, and 98% missing for is_smoker! Let's use a couple of different strategies that you've learned to handle these.

  11. Drop the is_smoker column as there is barely any information in this metric. Do this by running: del df['is_smoker'].

  12. Fill the NaN values in the time_spend_company column. This can be done with the following code:

    fill_value = df.time_spend_company.median()
    df.time_spend_company = df.time_spend_company.fillna(fill_ value)

    The final column to deal with is average_montly_hours. We could do something similar and use the median or rounded mean as the integer fill value. Instead though, let's try to take advantage of its relationship with another variable. This may allow us to fill the missing data more accurately.

  13. Make a boxplot of average_montly_hours segmented by number_project. This can be done by running the following code:

    sns.boxplot(x='number_project', y='average_montly_hours', data=df)

    Figure 2.55: Boxplot for average_monthly_hours and number_project

    We can see how the number of projects is correlated with average_ monthly_hours, a result that is hardly surprising. We'll exploit this relationship by filling in the NaN values of average_montly_hours differently, depending on the number of projects for that sample.

    Specifically, we'll use the mean of each group.

  14. Calculate the mean of each group by running the following code:

    mean_per_project = df.groupby('number_project')\
    .average_montly_hours.mean() mean_per_project = dict(mean_per_project) print(mean_per_project)

    Figure 2.56: Calculation of mean values for average_monthly_hours

    We can then map this onto the number_project column and pass the resulting series object as the argument to fillna.

  15. Fill the NaN values in average_montly_hours by executing the following code:

    fill_values =
    df.average_montly_hours = df.average_montly_hours. fillna(fill_values)
  16. Confirm that df has no more NaN values by running the following assertion test. If it does not raise an error, then you have successfully removed the NaNs from the table:

    assert df.isnull().sum().sum() == 0


    We pass index=False so that the index is not written to file. In this case, the index is a set of integers spanning from 0 to the DataFrame length, and it therefore tells us nothing important.

  17. Transform the string and Boolean fields into integer representations. In particular, we'll manually convert the target variable left from yes and no to 1 and 0 and build the one-hot encoded features. Do this by running the following code:

    df.left ={'no': 0, 'yes': 1}) df = pd.get_dummies(df)
  18. Print df.columns to show the fields:

    Figure 2.57: A screenshot of the different fields in the dataframe

    We can see that department and salary have been split into various binary features.

    The final step to prepare our data for machine learning is scaling the features, but for various reasons (for example, some models do not require scaling), we'll do it as part of the model-training workflow in the next activity.

  19. We have completed the data preprocessing and are ready to move on to training models! Let's save our preprocessed data by running the following code:

    df.to_csv('../data/hr-analytics/hr_data_processed.csv', index=False)