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The Natural Language Processing Workshop

By : Rohan Chopra, Aniruddha M. Godbole, Nipun Sadvilkar, Muzaffar Bashir Shah, Sohom Ghosh, Dwight Gunning
5 (1)
Book Image

The Natural Language Processing Workshop

5 (1)
By: Rohan Chopra, Aniruddha M. Godbole, Nipun Sadvilkar, Muzaffar Bashir Shah, Sohom Ghosh, Dwight Gunning

Overview of this book

Do you want to learn how to communicate with computer systems using Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques, or make a machine understand human sentiments? Do you want to build applications like Siri, Alexa, or chatbots, even if you’ve never done it before? With The Natural Language Processing Workshop, you can expect to make consistent progress as a beginner, and get up to speed in an interactive way, with the help of hands-on activities and fun exercises. The book starts with an introduction to NLP. You’ll study different approaches to NLP tasks, and perform exercises in Python to understand the process of preparing datasets for NLP models. Next, you’ll use advanced NLP algorithms and visualization techniques to collect datasets from open websites, and to summarize and generate random text from a document. In the final chapters, you’ll use NLP to create a chatbot that detects positive or negative sentiment in text documents such as movie reviews. By the end of this book, you’ll be equipped with the essential NLP tools and techniques you need to solve common business problems that involve processing text.
Table of Contents (10 chapters)

2. Feature Extraction Methods

Activity 2.01: Extracting Top Keywords from the News Article


The following steps will help you complete this Activity:

  1. Open a Jupyter Notebook.
  2. Insert a new cell and add the following code to import the necessary libraries and download the data:
    import operator
    from nltk.tokenize import WhitespaceTokenizer
    from nltk import download, stem
    # The below statement will download the stop word list 
    # 'nltk_data/corpora/stopwords/' at home directory of your computer
    from nltk.corpus import stopwords

    The download statement will download the stop word list at nltk_data/corpora/stopwords/ into your system's home directory.

  3. Create the different types of methods to perform various NLP tasks:

    Activity 2.01.ipynb

    def load_file(file_path):
        news = ''.join\
                  ([line for line in open...