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Engineering MLOps

By : Emmanuel Raj
Book Image

Engineering MLOps

By: Emmanuel Raj

Overview of this book

Engineering MLps presents comprehensive insights into MLOps coupled with real-world examples in Azure to help you to write programs, train robust and scalable ML models, and build ML pipelines to train and deploy models securely in production. The book begins by familiarizing you with the MLOps workflow so you can start writing programs to train ML models. Then you’ll then move on to explore options for serializing and packaging ML models post-training to deploy them to facilitate machine learning inference, model interoperability, and end-to-end model traceability. You’ll learn how to build ML pipelines, continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines, and monitor pipelines to systematically build, deploy, monitor, and govern ML solutions for businesses and industries. Finally, you’ll apply the knowledge you’ve gained to build real-world projects. By the end of this ML book, you'll have a 360-degree view of MLOps and be ready to implement MLOps in your organization.
Table of Contents (18 chapters)
Section 1: Framework for Building Machine Learning Models
Section 2: Deploying Machine Learning Models at Scale
Section 3: Monitoring Machine Learning Models in Production

The need for microservices for ML

To understand the need for microservices-based architecture for ML applications, let's look at a hypothetical use case and go through various phases of developing a ML application for the use case.

Hypothetical use case

A large car repair facility needs a solution to estimate the number of cars in the facility and their accurate positions. A bunch of IP cameras is installed in the repair stations for monitoring the facility. Design an ML system to monitor and manage the car repair facility.

Stage 1 – Proof of concept (a monolith)

A quick PoC is developed in a typical case using available data points and applying ML to showcase and validate the use case and prove to the business stakeholders that ML can solve their problems or improve their business.

In our hypothetical use case, a monolith Python app is developed that does the following:

  • Fetches streams from all cameras
  • Determines the positions of cars (head...