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Data Science Projects with Python - Second Edition

By : Stephen Klosterman
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Data Science Projects with Python - Second Edition

By: Stephen Klosterman

Overview of this book

If data is the new oil, then machine learning is the drill. As companies gain access to ever-increasing quantities of raw data, the ability to deliver state-of-the-art predictive models that support business decision-making becomes more and more valuable. In this book, you’ll work on an end-to-end project based around a realistic data set and split up into bite-sized practical exercises. This creates a case-study approach that simulates the working conditions you’ll experience in real-world data science projects. You’ll learn how to use key Python packages, including pandas, Matplotlib, and scikit-learn, and master the process of data exploration and data processing, before moving on to fitting, evaluating, and tuning algorithms such as regularized logistic regression and random forest. Now in its second edition, this book will take you through the end-to-end process of exploring data and delivering machine learning models. Updated for 2021, this edition includes brand new content on XGBoost, SHAP values, algorithmic fairness, and the ethical concerns of deploying a model in the real world. By the end of this data science book, you’ll have the skills, understanding, and confidence to build your own machine learning models and gain insights from real data.
Table of Contents (9 chapters)


In this chapter, we will introduce the remaining details of logistic regression left over from the previous chapter. In addition to being able to use scikit-learn to fit logistic regression models, you will gain insight into the gradient descent procedure, which is similar to the processes that are used "under the hood" (invisible to the user) to accomplish model fitting in scikit-learn. Finally, we'll complete our discussion of the logistic regression model by familiarizing ourselves with the formal statistical assumptions of this method.

We begin our exploration of the foundational machine learning concepts of overfitting, underfitting, and the bias-variance trade-off by examining how the logistic regression model can be extended to address the overfitting problem. After reviewing the mathematical details of the regularization methods that are used to alleviate overfitting, you will learn a useful practice for tuning the hyperparameters of regularization...