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Natural Language Processing with Flair

By : Tadej Magajna
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Natural Language Processing with Flair

By: Tadej Magajna

Overview of this book

Flair is an easy-to-understand natural language processing (NLP) framework designed to facilitate training and distribution of state-of-the-art NLP models for named entity recognition, part-of-speech tagging, and text classification. Flair is also a text embedding library for combining different types of embeddings, such as document embeddings, Transformer embeddings, and the proposed Flair embeddings. Natural Language Processing with Flair takes a hands-on approach to explaining and solving real-world NLP problems. You'll begin by installing Flair and learning about the basic NLP concepts and terminology. You will explore Flair's extensive features, such as sequence tagging, text classification, and word embeddings, through practical exercises. As you advance, you will train your own sequence labeling and text classification models and learn how to use hyperparameter tuning in order to choose the right training parameters. You will learn about the idea behind one-shot and few-shot learning through a novel text classification technique TARS. Finally, you will solve several real-world NLP problems through hands-on exercises, as well as learn how to deploy Flair models to production. By the end of this Flair book, you'll have developed a thorough understanding of typical NLP problems and you’ll be able to solve them with Flair.
Table of Contents (15 chapters)
Part 1: Understanding and Solving NLP with Flair
Part 2: Deep Dive into Flair – Training Custom Models
Part 3: Real-World Applications with Flair

Chapter 9: Deploying and Using Models in Production

When Natural Language Processing (NLP) researchers and scientists work on improving a certain NLP model, they usually spend significant amount of time working on improving some very specific part or aspect of the model. When their work is done, results are gathered and then published as part of an academic paper. However, if you plan to leverage NLP for practical purposes, either as a commercial solution or simply as part of a personal project, a well-trained model is usually the point where your journey only begins.

In the first section of this chapter, we plan to cover the typical issues generally encountered when using NLP models in production, how to overcome these issues, and how to make our models publicly available. We will then address the issue from the low level by building a self-serving NLP solution. We will talk about the tools and libraries available for self-serving and the reasons why you should or shouldn&apos...