Throughout this book, we have covered several concepts, features, and ways of using Flair to solve NLP problems. We started with the base types and used the pre-trained Flair models. We explained the idea of sequence tagging and embeddings, including their role in the downstream NLP tasks. We learned how to train our own sequence tagging models and even train our own embeddings. We now know how to train models using the optimal training parameters by utilizing the Flair hyperparameter optimization tools. We also learned about text classifiers, including the few-shot and zero-shot Task-Aware Sentences (TARS) classifier, which delivers excellent performance, utilizing only a few training examples.
Finally, in this chapter, we learned about ways of deploying Flair models to production. We now not only know how to use Flair to build NLP models, but also how to make them widely available by deploying them to production.
In the upcoming chapter, we plan to combine all the...