This simple and fun hands-on exercise concludes our journey through the state-of-the-art NLP library Flair. At the beginning of the book, we kicked off with some motivation, followed by the Flair base types that set the foundation of how different objects typically interact with one another in Flair. We then covered word and document embeddings, which are an essential part of Flair and one of the main reasons why its taggers achieve state-of-the-art performance on sequence labeling tasks. This allowed us to progress towards sequence tagging itself, where we learned about all the different types of sequence taggers available in Flair. However, we weren't constrained to reusing the pre-trained models only; we quickly learned how to train our own sequence taggers as part of the next chapter. This left us overwhelmed by the long list of training hyperparameters, and we had to find a way of using machine learning to help us find the best set of parameters. We did so by mastering...