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Elasticsearch 8.x Cookbook - Fifth Edition

By : Alberto Paro
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Elasticsearch 8.x Cookbook - Fifth Edition

By: Alberto Paro

Overview of this book

Elasticsearch is a Lucene-based distributed search engine at the heart of the Elastic Stack that allows you to index and search unstructured content with petabytes of data. With this updated fifth edition, you'll cover comprehensive recipes relating to what's new in Elasticsearch 8.x and see how to create and run complex queries and analytics. The recipes will guide you through performing index mapping, aggregation, working with queries, and scripting using Elasticsearch. You'll focus on numerous solutions and quick techniques for performing both common and uncommon tasks such as deploying Elasticsearch nodes, using the ingest module, working with X-Pack, and creating different visualizations. As you advance, you'll learn how to manage various clusters, restore data, and install Kibana to monitor a cluster and extend it using a variety of plugins. Furthermore, you'll understand how to integrate your Java, Scala, Python, and big data applications such as Apache Spark and Pig with Elasticsearch and create efficient data applications powered by enhanced functionalities and custom plugins. By the end of this Elasticsearch cookbook, you'll have gained in-depth knowledge of implementing the Elasticsearch architecture and be able to manage, search, and store data efficiently and effectively using Elasticsearch.
Table of Contents (20 chapters)

Setting up a node via Docker

Docker ( has become a common way to deploy  application servers for testing or production.

Docker is a container system that makes it possible to easily deploy replicable installations of server applications. With Docker, you don't need to set up a host, configure it, download the Elasticsearch server, unzip it, or start the server—everything is done automatically by Docker.

Getting ready

You need a working Docker installation to be able to execute Docker commands ( ).

How to do it…

To run Elasticsearch via Docker, you will need to execute the following steps:

  1. If you want to start a vanilla server, execute the following command to fetch the Docker:
    docker pull 

An output similar to the following will be shown:

8.0.0: Pulling from elasticsearch/elasticsearch
4f96cc5f1d01: Pull complete...