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Distributed Machine Learning with Python

By : Guanhua Wang
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Distributed Machine Learning with Python

By: Guanhua Wang

Overview of this book

Reducing time cost in machine learning leads to a shorter waiting time for model training and a faster model updating cycle. Distributed machine learning enables machine learning practitioners to shorten model training and inference time by orders of magnitude. With the help of this practical guide, you'll be able to put your Python development knowledge to work to get up and running with the implementation of distributed machine learning, including multi-node machine learning systems, in no time. You'll begin by exploring how distributed systems work in the machine learning area and how distributed machine learning is applied to state-of-the-art deep learning models. As you advance, you'll see how to use distributed systems to enhance machine learning model training and serving speed. You'll also get to grips with applying data parallel and model parallel approaches before optimizing the in-parallel model training and serving pipeline in local clusters or cloud environments. By the end of this book, you'll have gained the knowledge and skills needed to build and deploy an efficient data processing pipeline for machine learning model training and inference in a distributed manner.
Table of Contents (17 chapters)
Section 1 – Data Parallelism
Section 2 – Model Parallelism
Section 3 – Advanced Parallelism Paradigms

Hyperparameter tuning

In this section, we will focus on the hyperparameters that are closely related to data parallel training: global batch size, learning rate adjustment, and optimizer selection.

Let's discuss them one by one.

Notes on Hyperparameters

While some of these hyperparameters have existed in the standard single-node training process, in data parallel training, these parameters may have new searching dimensions and new correlations.

Global batch size

The global batch size refers to how many training samples will be loaded into all the GPUs for training simultaneously. The counterpart of this concept in single-node training is the batch size or mini-batch.

Selecting the proper global batch size is different from selecting a single node's batch size. In single-node training, we always set the batch size to be the maximum number that can fit into the accelerator's memory without causing out-of-memory (OOM) issues. In data parallel training, given N GPUs, we may not set the global batch-size to be N*Max(single_node), where Max(single_node) refers to the maximum batch size on a single GPU.

In data parallel training, this global batch size is the first hyperparameter we need to search or fine-tune. If the global batch size is too large, the training model may not converge. If the global batch size is too small, it is just a waste of distributed computational resources.

Learning rate adjustment

Since we have used a very large global batch size compared to single node training, we also need to adjust the learning rate accordingly.

Rule of Thumb Regarding Learning Rate Adjustment

The rule of thumb policy for determining the learning rate in data parallel training is to multiply the learning rate in the single-node case by N, if we use N GPUs to do the data parallel training together.

Recent research literature suggests that, for large-batch data parallel training, we should have a warmup stage at the very beginning of the training stage. This warmup policy suggests that we should start data parallel training with a relatively small learning rate. After this warmup period, we should gradually increase the learning rate for several epochs of training, and then stop increasing the learning rate by defining a peak learning rate.

Model synchronization schemes

Now that we have chosen our optimizer (global batch size) and adjusted the learning rate accordingly, the next thing we need to do is select an appropriate model synchronization model to use. We need this because we need to initialize a group of processes to run our data parallel training job in a distributed manner, where each process will be responsible for handling model synchronization on one machine or one GPU.

Let's take pytorch as an example. Here, you need to initialize your process groups, as follows:

                                     init_method = '...',
                                     world_size = N,
                                     timeout = M)

Here, the first parameter (backend='nccl') we need to choose from is the model synchronization backend. Right now, deep learning platforms such as PyTorch mainly support three different communication backends: NCCL, Gloo, and MPI.

The main differences among these three communication backends are as follows:

  • NCCL:
    • GPU only
    • No support for one-to-all communication primitives such as Scatter
    • No support for all-to-one communication primitives such as Gather
  • Gloo:
    • Mainly support for CPU, partial support for GPU.
    • For CPU, it supports most communication primitives.
    • For GPU, it only supports the most commonly used communication primitives, such as Broadcast and All-Reduce.
    • No support for all-to-all communication.
  • MPI:
    • CPU only
    • Supports special hardware communication, such as IP over InfiniBand

Among these three, the following are some high-level suggestions on selecting communication schemes:

  • For GPU clusters, use NCCL.
  • For CPU clusters, use Gloo first. If that doesn't work, try MPI.

With that, we have discussed three main communication schemes we can use in data parallel training jobs. Since the nodes we have used for model training are GPUs, we usually set NCCL as our default communication backend.