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TensorFlow Developer Certificate Guide

By : Oluwole Fagbohun
4 (2)
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TensorFlow Developer Certificate Guide

4 (2)
By: Oluwole Fagbohun

Overview of this book

The TensorFlow Developer Certificate Guide is an indispensable resource for machine learning enthusiasts and data professionals seeking to master TensorFlow and validate their skills by earning the certification. This practical guide equips you with the skills and knowledge necessary to build robust deep learning models that effectively tackle real-world challenges across diverse industries. You’ll embark on a journey of skill acquisition through easy-to-follow, step-by-step explanations and practical examples, mastering the craft of building sophisticated models using TensorFlow 2.x and overcoming common hurdles such as overfitting and data augmentation. With this book, you’ll discover a wide range of practical applications, including computer vision, natural language processing, and time series prediction. To prepare you for the TensorFlow Developer Certificate exam, it offers comprehensive coverage of exam topics, including image classification, natural language processing (NLP), and time series analysis. With the TensorFlow certification, you’ll be primed to tackle a broad spectrum of business problems and advance your career in the exciting field of machine learning. Whether you are a novice or an experienced developer, this guide will propel you to achieve your aspirations and become a highly skilled TensorFlow professional.
Table of Contents (20 chapters)
Part 1 – Introduction to TensorFlow
Part 2 – Image Classification with TensorFlow
Part 3 – Natural Language Processing with TensorFlow
Part 4 – Time Series with TensorFlow

Fine-tuning hyperparameters of a neural network

It is important to establish a baseline model before making any improvements in machine learning. A baseline model is a simple model that we can use to evaluate the performance of more complex models. In Chapter 5, Image Classification with Neural Networks, we achieved an accuracy of 88.50% on our training data and 85.67% on our test data in just five epochs. In our quest to try to improve our model’s performance, we will continue with our three-step (build, compile, and fit) process of constructing a neural network using TensorFlow. In each of the steps we use to build our neural network, there are settings that need to be configured before training. These settings are called hyperparameters. They control how the network will learn and perform, and mastering the art of fine-tuning them is an essential step in building successful deep learning models. Common hyperparameters include the number of neurons in each layer, the number...