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Graph Data Science with Neo4j

By : Estelle Scifo
5 (1)
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Graph Data Science with Neo4j

5 (1)
By: Estelle Scifo

Overview of this book

Neo4j, along with its Graph Data Science (GDS) library, is a complete solution to store, query, and analyze graph data. As graph databases are getting more popular among developers, data scientists are likely to face such databases in their career, making it an indispensable skill to work with graph algorithms for extracting context information and improving the overall model prediction performance. Data scientists working with Python will be able to put their knowledge to work with this practical guide to Neo4j and the GDS library that offers step-by-step explanations of essential concepts and practical instructions for implementing data science techniques on graph data using the latest Neo4j version 5 and its associated libraries. You’ll start by querying Neo4j with Cypher and learn how to characterize graph datasets. As you get the hang of running graph algorithms on graph data stored into Neo4j, you’ll understand the new and advanced capabilities of the GDS library that enable you to make predictions and write data science pipelines. Using the newly released GDSL Python driver, you’ll be able to integrate graph algorithms into your ML pipeline. By the end of this book, you’ll be able to take advantage of the relationships in your dataset to improve your current model and make other types of elaborate predictions.
Table of Contents (16 chapters)
Part 1 – Creating Graph Data in Neo4j
Part 2 – Exploring and Characterizing Graph Data with Neo4j
Part 3 – Making Predictions on a Graph

Visualizing large graphs with Gephi

Gephi is a powerful open source graph visualization software, able to deal with very large graphs. In the following sections, we are going to install Gephi and the required plugins, set up our Neo4j database, and draw a graph using this software.

Installing Gephi and its required plugin

In order to install Gephi and the plugins we need to connect it with Neo4j, follow these steps:

  1. Download Gephi from
  2. To start it, follow your OS-specific instructions. For Linux, the following commands should work (make the necessary changes depending on the version of Gephi you downloaded):
    cd Downloads/
    tar xzvf gephi-0.9.7-linux-x64.tar.gz
    cd gephi-0.9.7/bin
  3. Install the streaming plugin from the Gephi UI.
  4. Open the plugins wizard from the Tools | Plugins menu.
  5. Go to the Available Plugins tab.
  6. Search for the Graph Streaming plugin in the list and select it.
  7. Click Install.

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